Do you feel nervous when you meet someone new?
Physiologically, being nervous and being excitedhave a lot in common: pounding heart, churning tummy,high chest breathing and the general jitters. But one ofthese states might send you hightailing it for the nearestdark corner while the other one can serve you well andpropel you forward. There is a tendency for panic toaccompany nervousness, and this quite naturally makesbodily activities speed up. Because much of your nervousnessstems from increased awareness, try redirectingsome of your awareness toward slowing downand being more deliberate. One great technique is toimagine that your nostrils are just below your naveland that your in-and-out breaths are happening down62there. The slower you are, within reason, the more incontrol you will appear.
The sooner you start telling yourself that you'reexcited rather than nervous, the sooner you'll be able toconvince your subconscious that this is actually howyou feel. And, in fact, that's really all that matters.
Change your attitude, and your body language and voicetone will change to reflect............