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Chapter 18 Class Day

 The clerk of the weather evidently has a regard for young people, andsends sunshine for class days as often as he can. An especiallylovely one shone over Plumfield as this interesting anniversary cameround, bringing the usual accompaniments of roses, strawberries,white-gowned girls, beaming youths, proud friends, and statelydignitaries full of well-earned satisfaction with the yearly harvest.

  As Laurence College was a mixed one, the presence of young women asstudents gave to the occasion a grace and animation entirely wantingwhere the picturesque half of creation appear merely as spectators.
  The hands that turned the pages of wise books also possessed theskill to decorate the hall with flowers; eyes tired with study shonewith hospitable warmth on the assembling guests; and under the whitemuslins beat hearts as full of ambition, hope, and courage as thoseagitating the broadcloth of the ruling sex.
  College Hill, Parnassus, and old Plum swarmed with cheery faces, asguests, students, and professors hurried to and fro in the pleasantexcitement of arriving and receiving. Everyone was welcomedcordially, whether he rolled up in a fine carriage, or trudged afootto see the good son or daughter come to honour on the happy day thatrewarded many a mutual sacrifice. Mr Laurie and his wife were on thereception committee, and their lovely house was overflowing. Mrs Meg,with Daisy and Jo as aides, was in demand among the girls, helping onbelated toilettes, giving an eye to spreads, and directing thedecorations. Mrs Jo had her hands full as President's lady, and themother of Ted; for it took all the power and skill of that energeticwoman to get her son into his Sunday best.
  Not that he objected to be well arrayed; far from it; he adored goodclothes, and owing to his great height already revelled in adress-suit, bequeathed him by a dandy friend. The effect was veryfunny; but he would wear it in spite of the jeers of his mates, andsighed vainly for a beaver, because his stern parent drew the linethere. He pleaded that English lads of ten wore them and were 'no endnobby'; but his mother only answered, with a consoling pat of theyellow mane:
  'My child, you are absurd enough now; if I let you add a tall hat,Plumfield wouldn't hold either of us, such would be the scorn andderision of all beholders. Content yourself with looking like theghost of a waiter, and don't ask for the most ridiculous head-gear inthe known world.'
  Denied this noble badge of manhood, Ted soothed his wounded soul byappearing in collars of an amazing height and stiffness, and tieswhich were the wonder of all female eyes. This freak was a sort ofvengeance on his hard-hearted mother; for the collars drove thelaundress to despair, never being just right, and the ties requiredsuch art in the tying that three women sometimes laboured longbefore--like Beau Brummel--he turned from a heap of 'failures' withthe welcome words: 'That will do.' Rob was devoted on these tryingoccasions, his own toilet being distinguished only by its speed,simplicity, and neatness. Ted was usually in a frenzy before he wassuited, and roars, whistles, commands, and groans were heard from theden wherein the Lion raged and the Lamb patiently toiled. Mrs Jo boreit till boots were hurled and a rain of hair-brushes set in, then,fearing for the safety of her eldest, she would go to the rescue, andby a wise mixture of fun and authority finally succeed in persuadingTed that he was 'a thing of beauty', if not 'a joy for ever'. At lasthe would stalk majestically forth, imprisoned in collars compared towhich those worn by Dickens's afflicted Biler were trifles not worthmentioning. The dresscoat was a little loose in the shoulders, butallowed a noble expanse of glossy bosom to be seen, and with adelicate handkerchief negligently drooping at the proper angle, had atruly fine effect. Boots that shone, and likewise pinched, appearedat one end of the 'long, black clothes-pin'--as Josie calledhim---and a youthful but solemn face at the other, carried at anangle which, if long continued, would have resulted in spinalcurvature. Light gloves, a cane, and--oh, bitter drop in the cup ofjoy!--an ignominious straw hat, not to mention a choice floweret inthe buttonhole, and a festoon of watchguard below, finished off thisimpressive boy.
  'How's that for style?' he asked, appearing to his mother and cousinswhom he was to escort to the hall on this particular occasion.
  A shout of laughter greeted him, followed by exclamations of horror;for he had artfully added the little blond moustache he often worewhen acting. It was very becoming, and seemed the only balm to healthe wound made by the loss of the beloved hat.
  'Take it off this moment, you audacious boy! What would your fathersay to such a prank on this day when we must all behave our best?'
  said Mrs Jo, trying to frown, but privately thinking that among themany youths about her none were so beautiful and original as her longson.
  'Let him wear it, Aunty; it's so becoming. No one will ever guess heisn't eighteen at least,' cried Josie, to whom disguise of any sortwas always charming.
  'Father won't observe it; he'll be absorbed in his big-wigs and thegirls. No matter if he does, he'll enjoy the joke and introduce me ashis oldest son. Rob is nowhere when I'm in full fig'; and Ted tookthe stage with a tragic stalk, like Hamlet in a tail-coat and choker.
  'My son, obey me!' and when Mrs Jo spoke in that tone her word waslaw. Later, however, the moustache appeared, and many strangersfirmly believed that there were three young Bhaers. So Ted found oneray of joy to light his gloom.
  Mr Bhaer was a proud and happy man when, at the appointed hour, helooked down upon the parterre of youthful faces before him, thinkingof the 'little gardens' in which he had hopefully and faithfullysowed good seed years ago, and from which this beautiful harvestseemed to have sprung. Mr March's fine old face shone with theserenest satisfaction, for this was the dream of his life fulfilledafter patient waiting; and the love and reverence in the countenancesof the eager young men and women looking up at him plainly showedthat the reward he coveted was his in fullest measure. Laurie alwayseffaced himself on these occasions as much as courtesy would permit;for everyone spoke gratefully in ode, poem, and oration of thefounder of the college and noble dispenser of his beneficence. Thethree sisters beamed with pride as they sat among the ladies,enjoying, as only women can, the honour done the men they loved;while 'the original Plums', as the younger ones called themselves,regarded the whole affair as their work, receiving the curious,admiring, or envious glances of strangers with a mixture of dignityand delight rather comical to behold.
  The music was excellent, and well it might be when Apollo waved thebaton. The poems were--as usual on such occasions--of variedexcellence, as the youthful speakers tried to put old truths into newwords, and made them forceful by the enthusiasm of their earnestfaces and fresh voices. It was beautiful to see the eager interestwith which the girls listened to some brilliant brother-student, andapplauded him with a rustle as of wind over a bed of flowers. It wasstill more significant and pleasant to watch the young men's faceswhen a slender white figure stood out against the background ofblack-coated dignitaries, and with cheeks that flushed and paled, andlips that trembled till earnest purpose conquered maiden fear, spoketo them straight out of a woman's heart and brain concerning thehopes and doubts, the aspirations and rewards all must know, desire,and labour for. This clear, sweet voice seemed to reach and rouse allthat was noblest in the souls of these youths, and to set a seal uponthe years of comradeship which made them sacred and memorable forever.
  Alice Heath's oration was unanimously pronounced the success of theday; for without being flowery or sentimental, as is too apt to bethe case with these first efforts of youthful orators, it wasearnest, sensible, and so inspiring that she left the stage in astorm of applause, the good fellows being as much fired by herstirring appeal to 'march shoulder to shoulder', as if she hadchanted the 'Marseillaise' then and there. One young man was soexcited that he nearly rushed out of his seat to receive her as shehastened to hide herself among her mates, who welcomed her with facesfull of tender pride and tearful eye. A prudent sister detained him,however, and in a moment he was able to listen with composure to thePresident's remarks.
  They were worth listening to, for Mr Bhaer spoke like a father to thechildren whom he was dismissing to the battle of life; and histender, wise, and helpful words lingered in their hearts long afterthe praise was forgotten. Then came other exercises peculiar toPlumfield, and the end. Why the roof did not fly off when the sturdylungs of the excited young men pealed out the closing hymn will forever be a mystery; but it remained firm, and only the fading garlandsvibrated as the waves of music rolled up and died away, leaving sweetechoes to haunt the place for another year.
  Dinners and spreads consumed the afternoon, and at sunset came aslight lull as everyone sought some brief repose before thefestivities of the evening began. The President's reception was oneof the enjoyable things in store, also dancing on Parnassus, and asmuch strolling, singing, and flirting, as could be compressed into afew hours by youths and maidens just out of school.
  Carriages were rolling about, and gay groups on piazzas, lawns, andwindow-seats idly speculated as to who the distinguished guests mightbe. The appearance of a very dusty vehicle loaded with trunks at MrBhaer's hospitably open door caused much curious comment among theloungers, especially as two rather foreign-looking gentlemen sprangout, followed by two young ladies, all four being greeted with criesof joy and much embracing by the Bhaers. Then they all disappearedinto the house, the luggage followed, and the watchers were left towonder who the mysterious strangers were, till a fair collegiandeclared that they must be the Professor's nephews, one of whom wasexpected on his wedding journey.
  She was right; Franz proudly presented his blonde and buxom bride,and she was hardly kissed and blessed when Emil led up his bonnyEnglish Mary, with the rapturous announcement:
  'Uncle, Aunt Jo, h............
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