Although this story is about Jo's boys, her girls cannot beneglected, because they held a high place in this little republic,and especial care was taken to fit them to play their parts worthilyin the great republic which offered them wider opportunities and moreserious duties. To many the social influence was the better part ofthe training they received; for education is not confined to books,and the finest characters often graduate from no college, but makeexperience their master, and life their book. Others cared only forthe mental culture, and were in danger of over-studying, under thedelusion which pervades New England that learning must be had at allcosts, forgetting that health and real wisdom are better. A thirdclass of ambitious girls hardly knew what they wanted, but werehungry for whatever could fit them to face the world and earn aliving, being driven by necessity, the urgency of some half-conscioustalent, or the restlessness of strong young natures to break awayfrom the narrow life which no longer satisfied.
At Plumfield all found something to help them; for the growinginstitution had not yet made its rules as fixed as the laws of theMedes and Persians, and believed so heartily in the right of allsexes, colours, creeds, and ranks to education, that there was roomfor everyone who knocked, and a welcome to the shabby youths from upcountry, the eager girls from the West, the awkward freedman or womanfrom the South, or the well-born student whose poverty made thiscollege a possibility when other doors were barred. There still wasprejudice, ridicule, neglect in high places, and prophecies offailure to contend against; but the Faculty was composed of cheerful,hopeful men and women who had seen greater reforms spring fromsmaller roots, and after stormy seasons blossom beautifully, to addprosperity and honour to the nation. So they worked on steadily andbided their time, full of increasing faith in their attempt as yearafter year their numbers grew, their plans succeeded, and the senseof usefulness in this most vital of all professions blessed them withits sweet rewards.
Among the various customs which had very naturally sprung up was oneespecially useful and interesting to 'the girls', as the young womenliked to be called. It all grew out of the old sewing hour still keptup by the three sisters long after the little work-boxes had expandedinto big baskets full of household mending. They were busy women, yeton Saturdays they tried to meet in one of the three sewing-rooms; foreven classic Parnassus had its nook where Mrs Amy often sat among herservants, teaching them to make and mend, thereby giving them arespect for economy, since the rich lady did not scorn to darn herhose, and sew on buttons. In these household retreats, with books andwork, and their daughters by them, they read and sewed and talked inthe sweet privacy that domestic women love, and can make so helpfulby a wise mixture of cooks and chemistry, table linen and theology,prosaic duties and good poetry.
Mrs Meg was the first to propose enlarging this little circle; for asshe went her motherly rounds among the young women she found a sadlack of order, skill, and industry in this branch of education.
Latin, Greek, the higher mathematics, and science of all sortsprospered finely; but the dust gathered on the work-baskets, frayedelbows went unheeded, and some of the blue stockings sadly neededmending. Anxious lest the usual sneer at learned women should applyto 'our girls', she gently lured two or three of the most untidy toher house, and made the hour so pleasant, the lesson so kindly, thatthey took the hint, were grateful for the favour, and asked to comeagain. Others soon begged to make the detested weekly duty lighter byjoining the party, and soon it was a privilege so much desired thatthe old museum was refitted with sewing-machines, tables,rocking-chair, and a cheerful fireplace, so that, rain or shine, theneedles might go on undisturbed.
Here Mrs Meg was in her glory, and stood wielding her big shears likea queen as she cut out white work, fitted dresses, and directedDaisy, her special aide, about the trimming of hats, and completingthe lace and ribbon trifles which add grace to the simplest costumeand save poor or busy girls so much money and time. Mrs Amycontributed taste, and decided the great question of colours andcomplexions; for few women, even the most learned, are without thatdesire to look well which makes many a plain face comely, as well asmany a pretty one ugly for want of skill and knowledge of the fitnessof things. She also took her turn to provide books for the readings,and as art was her forte she gave them selections from Ruskin,Hamerton, and Mrs Jameson, who is never old. Bess read these aloud asher contribution, and Josie took her turn at the romances, poetry,and plays her uncles recommended. Mrs Jo gave little lectures onhealth, religion, politics, and the various questions in which allshould be interested, with copious extracts from Miss Cobbe's Dutiesof Women, Miss Brackett's Education of American Girls, Mrs Duffy's NoSex in Education, Mrs Woolson's Dress Reform, and many of the otherexcellent books wise women write for their sisters, now that they arewaking up and asking: 'What shall we do?'
It was curious to see the prejudices melt away as ignorance wasenlightened, indifference change to interest, and intelligent mindsset thinking, while quick wits and lively tongues added spice to thediscussions which inevitably followed. So the feet that wore theneatly mended hose carried wiser heads than before, the pretty gownscovered hearts warmed with higher purposes, and the hands thatdropped the thimbles for pens, lexicons, and celestial globes, werebetter fitted for life's work, whether to rock cradles, tend thesick, or help on the great work of the world.
One day a brisk discussion arose concerning careers for women. MrsJo had read something on the subject and asked each of the dozengirls sitting about the room, what she intended to do on leavingcollege. The answers were as usual: 'I shall teach, help mother,study medicine, art,' etc.; but nearly all ended with:
'Till I marry.'
'But if you don't marry, what then?' asked Mrs Jo, feeling like agirl again as she listened to the answers, and watched thethoughtful, gay, or eager faces.
'Be old maids, I suppose. Horrid, but inevitable, since there are somany superfluous women,' answered a lively lass, too pretty to fearsingle blessedness unless she chose it.
'It is well to consider that fact, and fit yourselves to be useful,not superfluous women. That class, by the way, is largely made up ofwidows, I find; so don't consider it a slur on maidenhood.'
'That's a comfort! Old maids aren't sneered at half as much as theyused to be, since some of them have grown famous and proved thatwoman isn't a half but a whole human being, and can stand alone.'
'Don't like it all the same. We can't all be like Miss Nightingale,Miss Phelps, and the rest.'
So what can we do but sit in a corner and look on?' asked a plaingirl with a dissatisfied expression.
'Cultivate cheerfulness and content, if nothing else. But there areso many little odd jobs waiting to be done that nobody need "sit idleand look on", unless she chooses,' said Mrs Meg, with a smile, layingon the girl's head the new hat she had just trimmed.
'Thank you very much. Yes, Mrs Brooke, I see; it's a little job, butit makes me neat and happy--and grateful,' she added, looking up withbrighter eyes as she accepted the labour of love and the lesson assweetly as they were given.
'One of the best and most beloved women I know has been doing oddjobs for the Lord for years, and will keep at it till her dear handsare folded in her coffin. All sorts of things she does--picks upneglected children and puts them in safe homes, saves lost girls,nurses poor women in trouble, sews, knits, trots, begs, works for thepoor day after day with no reward but the thanks of the needy, thelove and honour of the rich who make Saint Matilda their almoner.
That's a life worth living; and I think that quiet little woman willget a higher seat in Heaven than many of those of whom the world hasheard.'
'I know it's lovely, Mrs Bhaer; but it's dull for young folks. We dowant a little fun before we buckle to,' said a Western girl with awide-awake face.
'Have your fun, my dear; but if you must earn your bread, try to makeit sweet with cheerfulness, not bitter with the daily regret that itisn't cake. I used to think mine was a very hard fate because I hadto amuse a somewhat fretful old lady; but the books I read in thatlonely library have been of immense use to me since, and the dear oldsoul bequeathed me Plumfield for my "cheerful service andaffectionate care". I didn't deserve it, but I did use to try to bejolly and kind, and get as much honey out of duty as I could, thanksto my dear mother's help and advice.'
'Gracious! if I could earn a place like this, I'd sing all day and bean angel; but you have to take your chance, and get nothing for yourpains, perhaps. I never do,' said the Westerner, who had a hard timewith small means and large aspirations.
'Don't do it for the reward; but be sure it will come, though not inthe shape you expect. I worked hard for fame and money one winter;but I got neither, and was much disappointed. A year afterwards Ifound I had earned two prizes: skill with my pen, and ProfessorBhaer.'
Mrs Jo's laugh was echoed blithely by the girls, who liked to havethese conversations enlivened by illustrations from life.
'You are a very lucky woman,' began the discontented damsel, whosesoul soared above new hats, welcome as they were, but did not quiteknow where to steer.
'Yet her name used to be "Luckless Jo", and she never had what shewanted till she had given up hoping for it,' said Mrs Meg.
'I'll give up hoping, then, right away, and see if my wishes willcome. I only want to help my folks, and get a good school.'
'Take this proverb for your guide: "Get the distaff ready, and theLord will send the flax",' answered Mrs Jo.
'We'd better all do that, if we are to be spinsters,' said the prettyone, adding gaily, 'I think I should like it, on the whole--they areso independent. My Aunt Jenny can do just what she likes, and ask noone's leave; but Ma has to consult Pa about everything. Yes, I'llgive you my chance, Sally, and be a "superfluum", as Mr Plock says.'
'You'll be one of the first to go into bondage, see if you aren't.
Much obliged, all the same.'
'Well, I'll get my distaff ready, and take whatever flax the Fatessend--single, or double-twisted, as the powers please.'
'That is the right spirit, Nelly. Keep it up, and see how happy lifewill be with a brave heart, a willing hand, and plenty to do.'
'No one objects to plenty o............
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