C.U. SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXA key is inserted and the lid is opened. There are manypapers, deeds, et. Michael begins sorting through these.
Carolyn notices a manila envelope addressed to her mother,postmarked 1965. She opens it up to find TWO LETTERS and APHOTOGRAPH -- FRANCESCA standing NEAR A COVERED BRIDGE, herhair wind blown, her expression serene, beautiful and sad.
She wears a RED DRESS with buttons down the front.
CAROLYNMichael, look -- I've never seen thispicture of mama. Have you?
Betty and Michael look over her shoulder. He shakes "no."CAROLYN (cont'd)It was in this envelope from 1965.
BETTYShe's not wearing a bra.
(takes bridge photo)This is Roseman Bridge in caseanyone's interested.
Interested yes, but no one thinks anything of it. Michaelreturns to the other papers. Betty takes the photograph forfurther examination. Carolyn opens one of the letters andbegins to read.
The following dialogue is heard OS, as CAMERA ANGLES ONCAROLYN reading one of the letters:
BETTY (O.S.)It's a beautiful picture of her.
MICHAEL (O.S.)(to lawyer)Why are there two deeds here?
LAYER (O.S.)One of for the original parcel yourfather bought and this one is for theadditional acres he purchased in '59.
MICHAEL (O.S.)And this?
LAWYER (O.S.)Those are bills of sale from theequipment your mother sold in ..
(CONTINUES O.S.)Throughout their conversation, we focus on Carolyn as shereads and her expression sinks into one of shock andconfusion. She flips to the last page of the letter to readwho it is from. She can't believe her eyes.
BETTY (O.S.)What's that?
Carolyn jumps a little, so engrossed in her discovery. Shelies.
CAROLYNOh, just a old letter from a friend.
BETTY(laughs)No treasure maps, huh?
CAROLYN(laughs nervously)No.
Betty starts inspecting knit knacks around the house shemight be able to take. Carolyn looks to Michael.
CAROLYN (cont'd)Michael.
MICHAEL(reading documents)Yeah.
CAROLYNCome here a minute.
Michael crosses impatiently to Carolyn. Carolyn looks aroundto the others, then guides him OS into the kitchen forprivacy. He protests.
MICHAELWhat? Where are we going?
They exit. Alone with the impatient lawyer, Betty examines avase as she pumps him for info.
BETTYDid she say anything in there aboutme? Leaving me anything in particular?
Betty prattles on as she examines each item, much to thelawyer's dismay, hiding her resentment and hurt.
BETTYI didn't expect so. She never likedme. It's okay. I always knew. Thoughtwe married too young. Nobody brokehis arm -- that's what I said but youknow mothers and their sons. Also,she never liked the fact of us movingto Florida although what's where theopportunities were. Couldn't denythat. Suppose we should have visitedmore but you know she hardly evermade an effort to come to Tampa. Noteven to see her grandchildren. Shewas a cold woman. They say Italiansare hot-blooded but not her. She wascool as ice.
(picks up acandlestick)She leaves these to anyone?
Michael and Carolyn re-enter the living room. Michael'sexpression now matches Carolyn in disbelief.
BETTY (cont'd)What's going on?
MICHAELUm... we were just wondering how itmight be better if me and Carolynwent over the stuff by ourselves. Notkeep you two waiting around. I'llcontact your office about the legalwork.
Grateful, the lawyer packs up to leave.
BETTYI don't mind waiting.
MICHAELWell, there's a lot of boring stuff todo. Lists of people we have to writeto. Find mama's relatives addressesin Italy -- stuff like that.
BETTYWell, I can help.
That came out a bit aggressively. Betty is hurt.
MICHAEL (cont'd)Why don't you go to your mothers. Orback to the hotel. Sit in some airconditioning. Take a bath.
BETTY(near tears)I do not need instructions from youto bathe!
(gets her bag)I knew you'd do this! I knew I'd comeall the way here and be shut out asusual! I came to be here for you! Ididn't have to come!
(genuinely hurt)Lord knows I was never much welcomein this house before. Apparently deador alive, nothing's changed.
Carolyn feels badly for her. An impatient Michael refusessympathy. Embarrassed, Betty starts to exit then stops atthe mantle.
BETTYCarolyn -- you want thesecandlesticks?
CAROLYNNo. You can have them.
Betty grabs them both and exits. Carolyn looks at himdisapprovingly. Michael takes the letter from her hand.
MICHAELNow what's this about?