Five Thousand Miles Underground29
Category: Author:novel
Category: Author:Victor Appleton
Under the Ocean for Sunken Treasure
Category: Author:阿诺德.本涅特 Arnold Bennett
This is Bennett's first novel, the story of a young man from the north of England who arrives in London to seek his fortune. By day he works as a clerk in an office but has aspirations of becoming a writer. This young man is easily distracted though and one wonders if he will ever write that first novel.
Category: Author:Lord Dunsany
Lord Dunsany’s most popular book is The King of Elfland's Daughter.
Category: Author:阿诺德.本涅特 Arnold Bennett
An idea that can transform a man, both within and without. The author's got an amazing way of saying things. A must read for anyone not in complete control of their self .
Category: Author:Howard R. Garis
Chot Benson called to his chum Rick Dalton who was racing down the Belemere street with every appearance of being in great haste.
Category: Author:巴尔扎克 Honore De Balzag
To Monsieur Eugene-Auguste-Georges-Louis Midy de la Greneraye Surville, Royal Engineer of the Ponts at Chausses. As a testimony to the affection of his brother-in-law,
Category: Author:Erskine Childers
The book, which enjoyed immense popularity in the years before World War I, is an early example of the espionage novel and was extremely influential in the genre of spy fiction.
Category: Author:Natalie Sumner Lincoln
The Assistant District Attorney glanced down at the papers in his hand and then up at the well-dressed, stockily built man occupying the witness stand. His manner was conciliatory.