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The Secret of Sarek

Category: Author:Maurice Leblanc莫里斯·勒布朗 

“The Secret of Sarek,” the action takes place almost entirely on the fictional Island of Sarek in 1917, in which Leblanc deftly blends crime fantasy and science fiction.


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The Secret of Toni

Category: Author:novel 

Toni’s name was Antoine Marcel, but he was never called by it but once in his life, and that was at his baptism, when he was eight days old.


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The Secret of the Reef

Category: Author:Harold Bindloss 

The big liner’s smoke streamed straight astern, staining the soft blue of the sky, as, throbbing gently to her engines’ stroke, she clove her way through the smooth heave of the North Pacific.


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Colonel Thorndyke's Secret

Category: Author:novel 

 Squire Thorndyke, of the Manor House of Crawley, was, on the 1st of September; 1782, walking up and down the little terrace in front of the quaint old house in an unusually disturbed mood. He was a man of forty three or four, stoutly and strongly built, and inclined to be portly. Save the loss of his wife four years before, there...


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A Search For A Secret

Category: Author:novel 

 There are towns over which time seems to exercise but little power, but to have passed them by forgotten, in his swift course. Everywhere else, at his touch, all is changed. Great cities rise upon the site of fishing villages; huge factories, with their smoky chimneys grow up and metamorphose quiet towns into busy hives of indust...


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The Secret of Heroism

Category: Author:novel 

 The erection by the Canadian public of a monument in the capital of the Dominion; its unveiling by the representative of the Crown; its acceptance, on behalf of the government, by the Prime Minister of Canada; a gathering of thousands to do honour to the occasion,—and this, to commemorate the heroism of one not yet eight an...


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The Secret Adversary

Category: Author:novel 

 It was 2 p.m. on the afternoon of May 7, 1915. The Lusitania had been struck by two torpedoes in succession and was sinking rapidly, while the boats were being launched with all possible speed. The women and children were being lined up awaiting their turn. Some still clung desperately to husbands and fathers; others clutched the...


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Lady Audley's Secret

Category: Author:novel 

 It lay down in a hollow, rich with fine old timber and luxuriant pastures; and you came upon it through an avenue of limes, bordered on either side by meadows, over the high hedges of which the cattle looked inquisitively at you as you passed, wondering, perhaps, what you wanted; for there was no thorough-fare, and unless you wer...


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The Secret Sharer

Category: Author:novel 

 On my right hand there were lines of fishing stakes resembling a mysterious system of half-submerged bamboo fences, incomprehensible in its division of the domain of tropical fishes, and crazy of aspect as if abandoned forever by some nomad tribe of fishermen now gone to the other end of the ocean; for there was no sign of human ...


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The Secret of Life, Death and Immortality

Category: Author:novel 

Cosmic Evolution. Life Germs—How Produced. “The Word”—Evolution of. Thought Vibration the Only Immortality. “Life” and “Death” Evolved from the Same Cosmic Substance.


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