Daddy Takes Us Skating
Category: Author:Howard R. Garis
"Is my nose red?" asked Mab of some of her girl friends.
Category: Author:Howard R. Garis
"Is my nose red?" asked Mab of some of her girl friends.
Category: Author:novel
Dick standing on a ledge of coral cast his eyes to the South.
Category: Author:novel
Hannah was a small, squat woman, of a truly Irish type. Her nose was celestial, her mouth wide, her eyes dark, and sparkling with fun. She was dressed in a short, coarse serge petticoat, with what is called a bedgown over it; the bedgown was made of striped calico, yellow and red, and was tied in at the waist with a broad band of...
Category: Author:novel
主要讲述了 茱迪从小在孤儿院里长大,年轻的她不得不负担起众多沉重的工作,而不能享受普通女孩子拥有的家庭乐趣。有一天,她的命运被传奇般地改变了,一位自称约翰-史密斯的理事因为她出色的作文而将她送进了大学,她开始了完全不同的生活,她亲昵地叫这位理事“长腿叔叔”。在大学里,她欣喜地吸取着一切她从未有过的体验和知识,对她来说,一切都是那么新奇。她...
Category: Author:novel
“Why did she choose ‘Morning-Glory’ as her tribe name?” asked M?nkw?n the Rainbow of Sesooā the Flame, as Rainbow and Flame, with girlish arms entwining, stood beneath the shelter of the Silver Twins, two kingly birch-trees, so identical in stature even to their topmost jeweled crowns of leaves flashing in the July sun, so alike in the...