Thomas Hardy's Dorset
Category: Biographical Author:novel
TAG: Classical
Category: Biographical Author:Theodore Dreiser西奥多·德莱塞
During the year 1890 I had been formulating my first dim notion as to what it was I wanted to do in life. For two years and more I had been reading Eugene Field’s “Sharps and Flats,” a column he wrote daily for the Chicago Daily News, and through this, the various phases of life which he suggested in a humorous though at times romantic...
Category: Biographical Author:novel
The Author of the following work apologizes for the delay of its publication on the ground of long-continued ill health which unfitted him for mental labor. He has tried to make amends by sparing no pains in his effort to do justice to the subjects treated. The plan of the ensuing biography is that of a philosophical history, which ad...
Category: Biographical Author:novel
Near five scores of years have gone by since a poor, plain babe was born in a log hut on the banks of a small stream known as the “Big South Fork” of No-lin’s Creek. This was in Ken-tuc-ky and in what is now La-rue Coun-ty. It was Sun-day, Feb. 12, 1809, when this child came to bless the world.
TAG: Novel Online
Category: Biographical Author:novel
艾伦·麦席森·图灵(英语:Alan Mathison Turing,1912年6月23日—1954年6月7日),英国数学家、逻辑学家,被称为计算机科学之父,人工智能之父。1931年图灵进入剑桥大学国王学院,毕业后到美国普林斯顿大学攻读博士学位,第二次世界大战爆发后回到剑桥,后曾协助军方破解德国的著名密码系统Enigma,帮助盟军取得了二战的胜利。 1952年...