As we exercise ourselves against sophistical questions, so we ought to exercise ourselves daily against appearances; for these appearances also propose questions to us. “A certain person son is dead.” Answer: the thing is not within the power of the will: it is not an evil. “A father has disinherited a certain son. What do you think of it?” It is a thing beyond the power of the will, not an evil. “Caesar has condemned a person.” It is a thing beyond the power of the will, not an evil. “The man is afflicted at this.” Affliction is a thing which depends on the will: it is an evil. He has borne the condemnation bravely.” That is a thing within the power of the will: it is a good. If we train ourselves in this manner, we shall make progress; for we shall never assent to anything of which there is not an appearance capable of being comprehended. Your son is dead. What has happened? Your son is dead. Nothing more? Nothing. Your ship ............