About this time, the restless pacing of the judge in his study at nights became more frequent and lasted longer. In vain Reuther played her most cheerful airs and sang her sweetest songs, the monotonous tramp kept up with a regularity nothing could break.
“He’s worried by the big case now being tried before him,” Deborah would say, when Reuther’s eyes grew wide and misty in her sympathetic trouble. And there was no improbability in the plea, for it was a case of much moment, and of great local interest. A man was on trial for his life and the circumstances of the case were such that the feeling called forth was unusually bitter; so much so, indeed, that every word uttered by the counsel and every decision made by the judge were discussed from one end of the county to the other, and in Shelby, if nowhere else, took precedence of all other topics, though it was a Presidential year and party sympathies ran high.
The more thoughtful spirits were inclined to believe in the innocence of the prisoner; but the lower elements of the town, moved by class prejudice, were bitterly antagonistic to his cause and loud for his conviction.
Did the judge realise his position and the effect made upon the populace by his very evident leaning towards this dissipated but well-connected young man accused of a crime so brutal, that he must either have been the sport of most malicious circumstances, or a degenerate of the worst type. The time of Judge Ostrander’s office was nearly up, and his future continuance on the bench might very easily depend upon his attitude at the present hearing. Yet HE, without apparent recognition of this fact, showed without any hesitancy or possibly without self-consciousness, the sympathy he felt for the man at the bar, and ruled accordingly almost without variation.
No wonder he paced the floor as the proceedings drew towards its close and the inevitable hour approached when a verdict must be rendered. Mrs. Scoville, reading his heart by the light of her recent discoveries, understood as nobody else, the workings of his conscience and the passion of sympathy which this unhappy father must have for misguided youth. She began to fear for his health and count the days till this ordeal was over.
In other regards, quiet had come to them all and less tempestuous fears. Could the judge but weather the possible conviction of this man and restrain himself from a disclosure of his own suffering, more cheerful days might be in store for them, for no further missives were to be seen on the lawn, nor had anything occurred for days to recall to Deborah’s mind the move she had made towards re-establishing her husband’s innocence.
A week passed, and the community was all agog, in anticipation of the judge’s charge in the case just mentioned. It was to be given at noon, and Mrs. Scoville, conscious that he had not slept an hour the night before (having crept down more than once to listen if his step had ceased), approached him as he prepared to leave the house for the court room, and anxiously asked if he were quite well.
“Oh, yes, I’m well,” he responded sharply, looking about for Reuther.
The young girl was standing a little behind him, with his gloves in her hand — a custom she had fallen into in her desire to have his last look and fond good morning.
“Come here, child,” said he, in a way to make her heart beat; and, as he took the gloves from her hand, he stooped and kissed her on the forehead — something he had never done before. “Let me see you smile,” said he. “It’s a memory I like to take with me into the court room.”
But when in her pure delight at his caress and the fatherly feeling which gave a tremor to his simple request, she lifted her face with that angelic look of hers which was far sweeter and far more moving than any smile, he turned away abruptly as though he had been more hurt than comforted, and strode out of the house without another word.
Deborah’s hand went to her heart, in the dark corner whither she had withdrawn herself, and when she turned again towards the spot where Reuther had stood, it was in some fear lest she had betrayed her understanding of this deeply tried father’s passionate pain. But Reuther was no longer there. She had fled quickly away with the memory of what was to make this day a less dreary one for her.
Morning passed and the noon came, bringing Deborah an increased uneasiness. When lunch was over and Reuther sat down to her piano, the feeling had grown into an obsession, which soon resolved itself into a definite fear.
“What if an attack, such as I once saw, should come upon him while he sits upon the bench! Why have I not thought of this before? O God! these evil days! When will they be over!”
She found herself so restless that she decided upon going out. Donning her quietest gown and veil, she looked in on Reuther and expressed her intention; then slipped out of the front door, hardly knowing whither her feet would carry her.
They did not carry her far,— not at this moment at least. On the walk outside she met Miss Weeks hurrying towards her from the corner, stumbling in her excitement and so weakened in body or spirit that she caught at the unresponsive fence for the support which its smooth surface refused to give her.
At sight of Deborah’s figure, she paused and threw up her hands.
“Oh, Mrs. Scoville, such a dreadful thing!” she cried. “Look here!” And, opening one of her hands, she showed a few torn scraps of paper whose familiarity made Deborah’s blood run cold.
“On the bridge,” gasped the little lady, leaning against the fence for support. “Pasted on the railing of the bridge. I should never have seen it, nor looked at it, if it hadn’t been that I—”
“Don’t tell me here,” urged Deborah. “Let’s go over to your house. See, there are people coming.”
The little lady yielded to the other’s constraining hand and together they crossed the street. Once in the house, Deborah allowed her full apprehension to show itself.
“What were the words? What was on the paper? Anything about —”
The little woman’s look of horror stopped her.
“It’s a lie, an awful, abominable lie. But think of such a lie being pasted up on that dreadful bridge for any one to see. After twelve years, Mrs. Scoville! After —” But here indignation changed suddenly into suspicion, and eyeing her visitor with sudden disfavour she cried: “This is your work, madam. Your inquiries and your talk of John Scoville’s innocence has set wagging all the villainous tongues in town. And I remember something else. How you came smirking into this very room one day, with your talk about caps and Oliver Ostrander’s doings on the day when Algernon Etheridge was murdered. You were in search of information, I see; information against the best, the brightest — Well, why don’t you speak? I’ll give you the chance if you want it. Don’t stand looking at me like that. I’m not used to it, Mrs. Scoville. I’m a peaceable woman and I’m not used to it.”
“Miss Weeks —” Ah, the oil of that golden speech on troubled waters! What was its charm? What message did it carry from Deborah’s warm, true heart that its influence should be so miraculous? “Miss Weeks, you have forgotten my interest in Oliver Ostrander. He was my daughter’s lover. He was my own ideal of a gifted, kind-hearted, if somewhat mysterious, young man. No calumny uttered against him can awaken in you half the sorrow and indignation it does in me. Let me see those lines or what there is left of them so that I m............