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Chapter 9

    Pinocchio sells his A-B-C book topay his way into the Marionette TheaterSee Pinocchio hurrying off to school with his new A-B-Cbook under his arm! As he walked along, his brain was busyplanning hundreds of wonderful things, building hundredsof castles in the air. Talking to himself, he said:

  "In school today, I'll learn to read, tomorrow to write,and the day after tomorrow I'll do arithmetic. Then, cleveras I am, I can earn a lot of money. With the very firstpennies I make, I'll buy Father a new cloth coat. Cloth,did I say? No, it shall be of gold and silver with diamondbuttons. That poor man certainly deserves it; for, after all,isn't he in his shirt sleeves because he was good enough to buy a book for me? On this cold day, too! Fathers areindeed good to their children!"As he talked to himself, he thought he heard sounds ofpipes and drums coming from a distance: pi-pi-pi,pi-pi-pi. . .zum, zum, zum, zum.

  He stopped to listen. Those sounds came from a littlestreet that led to a small village along the shore.

  "What can that noise be? What a nuisance that I haveto go to school! Otherwise. . ."There he stopped, very much puzzled. He felt he hadto make up his mind for either one thing or another.

  Should he go to school, or should he follow the pipes?

  "Today I'll follow the pipes, and tomorrow I'll go toschool. There's always plenty of time to go to school,"decided the little rascal at last, shrugging his shoulders.

  No sooner said than done. He started down the street,going like the wind. On he ran, and louder grew thesounds of pipe and drum: pi-pi-pi, pi-pi-pi, pi-pi-pi. . .zum, zum, zum, zum.

  Suddenly, he found himself in a large square, full ofpeople stand............

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