In a voyage which I made to the East Indies with Captain Hamilton, I took a favourite pointer with me; he was, to use a common phrase, worth his weight in gold, for he never deceived me. One day when we were, by the best observations we could make, at least three hundred leagues from land, my dog pointed2; I observed him for near an hour with astonishment3, and mentioned the circumstance to the captain and every officer on board, asserting that we must be near land, for my dog smelt4 game. This occasioned a general laugh; but that did not alter in the least the good opinion I had of my dog. After much conversation pro6 and con5, I boldly told the captain I placed more confidence in Tray's nose than I did in the eyes of every seaman7 on board, and therefore proposed laying the sum I had agreed to pay for my passage (viz., one hundred guineas) that we should find game within half an hour. The captain (a good, hearty8 fellow) laughed again, desired Mr. Crowford the surgeon, who was prepared, to feel my pulse; he did so, and reported me in perfect health. The following dialogue between them took place; I overheard it, though spoken low, and at some distance.
CAPTAIN His brain is turned; I cannot with honour accept his wager9.
SURGEON I am of a different opinion; he is quite
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