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HOME > Inspiring Novel > Look! We Have Come Through! > ARGUMENT
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 After much struggling and loss in love and in the world of man, the protagonist1 throws in his lot with a woman who is already married. Together they go into another country, she perforce leaving her children behind. The conflict of love and hate goes on between the man and the woman, and between these two and the world around them, till it reaches some sort of conclusion, they transcend2 into some condition of blessedness  
                   AND who has seen the moon, who has not seen
                   Her rise from out the chamber3 of the deep,
                   Flushed and grand and naked, as from the chamber
                   Of finished bridegroom, seen her rise and throw
                   Confession of delight upon the wave,
                   Littering the waves with her own superscription
                   Of bliss4, till all her lambent beauty shakes towards
                   Spread out and known at last, and we are sure
                   That beauty is a thing beyond the grave,
                   That perfect, bright experience never falls
                   To nothingness, and time will dim the moon
                   Sooner than our full consummation here
                   In this odd life will tarnish5 or pass away.

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