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HOME > Classical Novels > Daughters of Destiny > CHAPTER III THE PERSIAN PHYSICIAN
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 Burah Khan, known as the Lion of Mekran, Headsman of the Nine Tribes of Baluchi and Defender1 of the Faith, was, without doubt, a very sick man.  
He lay upon a divan2 in the courtyard of his palace, propped3 with silken cushions redolent of the odors of musk4. The waters of the fountain that splashed at his side were also scented5 with musk, and the heavy and stifling6 perfume permeated7 the entire atmosphere of the court. At the head of the divan sat a girl, indolently waving a fan above the head of the Khan. Not far from his feet a white-bearded man squatted8 upon a rug and eyed the sick one with curious intentness. This was Agahr, the vizier. Behind him sat a group of officers and sirdars, silently watching the scene.
Burah Khan, despite his sad condition, was fully9 clothed in his customary regalia. He wore a waistcoat of dingy10 white plush upon which were sewn enough rubies11 to have ransomed12 a kingdom. His yellow satin trousers were soiled and crumpled13. The long outer robe was of faded rose-color and had nine stars, formed of clustered diamonds, down the front. The deep collar was stiff with masses of the same precious gems14. The entire dress seemed as tawdry as a circus costume at the end of the season; but it was of enormous value, and the Khan, with oriental love of magnificence, clung to it even as he lay upon his death-bed.
He was a notable character, this Burah Khan, son of the terrible Keedar Khan who had conquered all of Baluchistan and ruled it with a rod of iron. Burah had inherited with the throne the fierce hatred15 with which his father was ever regarded; yet he had not only held every province secure, but had won the respect and fear of all his people. The thirty years of his rule had not been void of wars and bloodshed, yet at the head of his nine Baluch tribes the Khan had swept aside all opposition16 and won for himself the title of “The Lion of Mekran,” Mekran being his dwelling-place when not in the saddle.
Today, gaunt and haggard, he lay gasping17 upon his divan. His fingers opened and closed convulsively in the meshes18 of his iron-gray beard; his drooping19 eyelids20 were sunk in deep sockets21. The pallor of death showed through his swarthy skin. To Agahr and the silent group behind him it seemed that the Khan was conquered at last.
The sick one moved restlessly and raised his hand.
“Has—has—he come?” he asked, speaking the words with much difficulty.
Agahr leaned forward, without rising, and answered his master with composure:
“Not yet, lord.”
It was a question often repeated and as often answered with the same words.
A moan came from the Khan. The vizier noted22 the patient’s restlessness and made a sign with his hand. At once the curtains of the rear entrance were swept aside and a troop of girls entered. They were robed in white; vines of the mountain iral were twined in their hair; in their hands were bellalas. The girls danced. A tall Arab with immense hoops23 of gold in his ears beat a tambo to mark the time, and the bellalas chimed a tinkling24 chorus.
The eyes of the Khan never opened, but he made an impatient gesture and moaned again. The intent Agahr noted this and at his command the noise of the tambo ceased and the girls withdrew. Evidently the Khan could no longer be amused in this fashion.
For a brief space of time the courtyard again became silent. Then, so suddenly that a thrill crept over the watchers, a tall imposing25 figure glided26 to the side of the divan and cast a shadow over the face of the sick man.
Burah Khan moved, opened his eyes and fixed27 his gaze eagerly upon the new arrival. The vizier arose quickly and approached the couch, bowing low and looking into the calm countenance28 of the stranger with undisguised anxiety. The group of minor29 officials also looked their interest, and the{45} girl forgot to wave her fan while she examined the person of the man so long awaited.
“The great physician is here, my master,” whispered the vizier. But Burah Khan did not heed30 him. An expression of relief had come to his pinched features, and his eyes were fixed earnestly upon the face bent31 above him, as if he would read his fate in the countenance of the famous Persian who had been brought all the way from Kelat to minister to his imperative32 needs.
The physician raised the sick man’s eyelids and glanced beneath them. He placed his right hand under the Khan’s head and at the same time pressed an ear to his chest. It seemed enough. He stood erect33, with folded arms, bending a searching yet kindly34 gaze upon the face upturned to his.
“Tell me!” pleaded the Khan, feebly.
The Persian gave a quick glance around. Then he answered:
“They listen.”
“Let them hear,” said the Khan, raising himself with an effort upon his elbow. “They—are all—friends.”
A queer look came over the stranger’s face. But he said, in a calm voice:
“The sickness is fatal. You will die.”
For a moment the Lion of Mekran returned the other’s gaze steadily35. Then he lay back upon his pillows and sighed.
Agahr, who eyed his master as if fascinated, heaved an echoing sigh, and the group of officials exchanged looks of consternation36.
“When?” asked the Khan, his voice now strong and clear, his eyes on the impassive face before him.
“A day—an hour,” replied the Persian, slowly. “It is Death’s secret.”
For a few moments the silence was unbroken save for the splash of the fountain as its perfumed spray fell into the marble basin. Then the Khan again aroused himself.
“Can you hold Death at bay—for a time?” he asked.
“How long?”
“Speak, Agahr!” turning to his vizier. “How long to get my son here—to assemble the Sirdars of the Nine Tribes?”
Agahr was trembling visibly. He clasped and unclasped his thin hands nervously37 and glanced first at his master and then at the physician.
“Speak!” said the latter, sternly.
“To the monastery38 of Takkatu is three days’ journey—three days, at least,” he said, hesitatingly. “And for Prince Ahmed to return will require three more. Seven days—a week—with fast riding.”
“Then,” said the Khan, calmly, “they must ride fast.” He turned to the Persian. “Can you fight Death so long?”
The Persian nodded. The pluck of Burah Khan aroused his admiration39.
“I will fight Death so long,” said he, gravely.
“And the sirdars?” asked the sick man, once more turning to his vizier.
“They can be assembled in five days,” answered Agahr, after a moment’s reflection. “Three are already here.”
“Good!” declared the Khan. “Let Dirrag ride within the hour.”
“For the sirdars?”
“For Ahmed.”
He fell back again, and a man rose from the group behind Agahr and with an obeisance40 toward the divan glided swiftly from the courtyard.
The physician, noting the action, turned to the vizier.
“Dirrag?” he enquired41.
“Dirrag,” responded the other, mechanically.
The Persian gave his patient a sharp scrutiny42, and drawing a phial from his bosom43 placed it to the now colorless lips of the Khan.
“Clear the place,” he commanded Agahr, and without awaiting a response himself stepped quickly through the outer arch.
Outside Dirrag was mounting a strong Arabian mare44. The Persian arrested him with a gesture.
“The Prince must be here in six days,” he said, in a low but commanding voice. “Six days, or—”
“I understand,” said Dirrag, and put spurs to the mare.

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