Jimmy halted in his tracks. The apparition had startled him. Hehad been thinking of Ann, but he had not expected her to boundout at him, waving her arms.
"What's the matter?" he enquired.
Ann pulled him towards a side-street.
"You mustn't go to the house. Everything has gone wrong.""Everything gone wrong? I thought I had made a hit. I have withyour uncle, anyway. We parted on the friendliest terms. We havearranged to go to the ball-game together to-morrow. He is goingto tell them at the office that Carnegie wants to see him.""It isn't uncle Peter. It's aunt Nesta.""Ah, there you touch my conscience. I was a little tactless, I'mafraid, with Ogden. It happened before you came into the room. Isuppose that is the trouble?""It has nothing do with that," said Ann impatiently. "It's muchworse. Aunt Nesta is suspicious. She has guessed that you aren'treally Jimmy Crocker.""Great Scott! How?""I tried to calm her down, but she still suspects. So now she hasdecided to wait and see if Skinner, the butler, knows you. If hedoesn't, she will know that she was right."Jimmy was frankly puzzled.
"I don't quite follow the reasoning. Surely it's a peculiar kindof test. Why should she think a man cannot be honest and trueunless her butler knows him? There must be hundreds of worthycitizens whom he does not know.""Skinner arrived from England a few days ago. Until then he wasemployed by Mrs. Crocker. Now do you understand?"Jimmy stopped. She had spoken slowly and distinctly, and therecould be no possibility that he had misunderstood her, yet hescarcely believed that he had heard her aright. How could a mannamed Skinner have been his step-mother's butler? Bayliss hadbeen with the family ever since they had arrived in London.
"Are you sure?""Of course, of course I'm sure. Aunt Nesta told me herself. Therecan't possibly be a mistake, because it was Skinner who let herin when she called on Mrs. Crocker. Uncle Peter told me about it.
He had a talk with the man in the hall and found that he was abaseball enthusiast--"A wild, impossible idea flashed upon Jimmy. It was so absurd thathe felt ashamed of entertaining it even for a moment. But strangethings were happening these times, and it might be . . .
"What sort of looking man is Skinner?""Oh, stout, clean-shaven. I like him. He's much more human than Ithought butlers ever were. Why?""Oh, nothing.""Of course, you can't go back to the house. You see that? Hewould say that you aren't Jimmy Crocker and then you would bearrested.""I don't see that. If I am sufficiently like Crocker for hisfriends to mistake me for him in restaurants, why shouldn't thisbutler mistake me, too?""But--?""And, consider. In any case, there's no harm done. If he fails torecognise me when he opens the door to us, we shall know that thegame is up: and I shall have plenty of time to disappear. If thelikeness deceives him, all will be well. I propose that we go tothe house, ring the bell, and when he appears, I will say 'Ah,Skinner! Honest fellow!' or words to that effect. He will eitherstare blankly at me or fawn on me like a faithful watchdog. Wewill base our further actions on which way the butler jumps."The sound of the bell died away. Footsteps were heard. Annreached for Jimmy's arm and--clutched it.
"Now!" she whispered.
The door opened. Next moment Jimmy's suspicion was confirmed.
Gaping at them from the open doorway, wonderfully respectable andbutlerlike in swallow-tails, stood his father. How he came to bethere, and why he was there, Jimmy did not know. But there hewas.
Jimmy had little faith in his father's talents as a man ofdiscretion. The elder Crocker was one of those simple, straightforward people who, when surprised, do not conceal theirsurprise, and who, not understanding any situation in which theyfind themselves, demand explanation on the spot. Swift andimmediate action was indicated on his part before his amazedparent, finding him on the steps of the one house in New Yorkwhere he was least likely to be, should utter words that wouldundo everything. He could see the name Jimmy trembling on Mr.
Crocker's lips.
He waved his hand cheerily.
"Ah, Skinner, there you are!" he said breezily. "Miss Chester wastelling me that you had left my step-mother. I suppose you sailedon the boat before mine. I came over on the _Caronia_. I supposeyou didn't expect to see me............