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HOME > Classical Novels > Love Among the Ruins > CHAPTER 33
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 So Fulviac with his host passed northwards from Gambrevault, leaving Colgran and his ten thousand to guard the . Flavian saw the black columns curl away over the green slopes, their pikes glittering against the blue fringe of the horizon, their banners blowing to the breeze. The red pavilion stood no longer in the meadows; the man on the black horse rode no more behind the . was the marching of the host over the hills, a prophecy of many battles before the King's men could succour Gambrevault.  
The gate-house stood in ruins, a shattered pile of barriering the causeway from the meadows. The outer curtain wall on the north had been pierced between two towers; the stone-work fast, opening a gradual to the rebel sea dammed behind the trenches. The battlements were rent and ruinous; many a and . Still the bombards thundered, their salvos of shot against the place, flame even through the night, while the arms of the great like giant hands in the dark.
As for the girl Yeoland, her joy was dim and , mocked with constant prophecies of . The sounds of the siege haunted her perpetually. and whistled, bombards roared, the walls and cracked. A corner in the garden under the walk was the single nook left her open to the blue hope of heaven. The clamour of the leaguer woke a hundred echoes in her heart. Above all shone the man's strong face and eyes; above the moon, the stars, the blue of day, death spread his wings, a cloud of gloom.
On the sixteenth day of the siege, Colgran made an assault in force upon the ruins of the gate-house. Despite its state, Flavian clung to the ruin, and held the stormers at bay. Thrice Colgran's rebels advanced to the attack, and came hand-to-hand with the over the piles of stone; thrice they were beaten back and driven to retreat upon their trenches. Colgran the gate-house as impregnable; the slings and bombards were turned upon the outer wall to widen the breach already made therein.
It was plain enough even to Yeoland that the siege was bearing slowly yet surely against Gambrevault. More than half a month had passed, and still no succouring spears shone upon the hills, no sail upon the sea. Poor food and summer heat, the crowding of the had opened a gate to fever and disease. She saw the stern and faces of the soldiery, their that took fresh and fire from the courage of their lord. She saw the broken walls and ruined battlements, and heard the rebels shouting in their trenches.
As the man's grew more real and significant, a fear more entered into her heart. Sleep left her; she began to look white and weary, with dark shadows under her eyes. The man's warm yout............
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