My little boy to me that he would like a pear.
Now pears fall within his mother's province and I am sure that he has had as many as he is entitled to. And so we are at once agreed that what he wants is a wholly , uncalled-for, extra pear.
Unfortunately, it also appears that the request has already been laid before Mamma and met with a positive refusal.
The situation is serious, but not hopeless. For I am a man who knows how mean is the supply of pears to us poor wretched children of men and how wonderful an extra pear tastes.
And I am glad that my little boy did not give up all hope of the pear at the first obstacle. I can see by the in his green eyes how big the pear is and I reflect with pride that he will win his girl and his position in life when their time comes.
We now discuss the matter carefully.
First comes the of stomach-ache:
"Never mind about that," says he.
I quite agree with his view.
Then perhaps Mother will be angry.
No, Mother is never angry. She is sorry; and that is not nice. But then we must see and make it up to her in another way.
So we slink in and steal the pear.
I put it to him whether, perhaps—when we have ............