Mimi and Olivia sat back to back under one of the biggest trees on the campus. Each held an open Spanish Grammar on her drawn-up knees. Each had her nose between the pages.
“I think I know the first five vocabularies now. Ask me, Olivia.”
“Spanish or English?”
“You say English and I’ll say Spanish and spell it.”
“O. K. Here goes—the table?”
“La mesa. L-a—M-e-s-a.”
“Every day?”
“Todos los dias—T-o-d-o-s l-o-s d-i (accent)-a-s.”
Olivia kept on down the list and could not catch Mimi on a single one. Then they changed and it was Mimi’s turn to quiz. Olivia knew them all, too.
“Guess we’re pretty good, huh?”
“Gee, we ought to be; it’s all review but, oh, those verb forms! I hate to have to but I have to think about Dr. Barnes mailing my grades all the way to Germany and how terrible Daddy and Mother would feel if mine weren’t good.”
“You needn’t worry. You may not be an A or an A plus but you’re an A minus or B plus easy.”
“Wish I could believe you.”
“But you can. With my excellent ‘I. Q.’, intelligent quotient if you don’t follow me, I can classify people by their ; predict such trivial matters as grades.”
“A-hem! All right, Miss Brainless Wonder tell me when I’ll get an answer from a very important long letter I mailed my Daddy one week ago, to be exact.”
The thought of that letter made prickles of excitement up and down Mimi’s . She’d love to talk to Olivia about it. She hoped she hadn’t broken her promise to Chloe not to tell a soul, when she had written it to Daddy. No matter what you cross-your-heart-and-vow-not-to-tell you can always tell your parents. Mimi was sure of that when she had written Chloe’s tragedy to Daddy. She had felt better ever since. Not that Daddy could do anything about it—he was too far away—but again he might when he came home. At least there was some one to whom she could unburden when she couldn’t keep from talking about the mystery another minute.
“Bad habit I have acquired—talking to myself. Mimi! Look at me. I’ve explained twice already about the answer to your letter and you haven’t heard a word of it. Atten-shun, please! Now, for the third and last time, you will—”
Before Olivia finished waving her arms around and succeeding in clouding her eyes as if she were going into a seance, Betsy came running toward them from the gym. She ran easily and lightly, arching her knees high. Her middy collar was streaming behind her. Her socks had down over the tops of her gym shoes.
“Guess what?” she panted.
“Must be something grand the way your eyes are shining.”
Betsy’s one blue eye and one brown eye with their frames of thick curly always fascinated Mimi but when Betsy was thrilled as she was now, her eyes were the cutest things Mimi ever saw. “Hurry and tell before I die.”
“Yes, before she with the carrot top is by her ravishing curiosity.”
“, my big brother who graduated from Vanderbilt last June, is coming to take me to Nashville to the big Thanksgiving football game!”
Mimi and Olivia jumped to their feet. Away went the text books and away almost went Olivia’s shell glasses. By throwing her head back, she managed to balance them on the tip of her nose. While she and Mimi joined hands ring-around-the-rosie-fashion about Betsy, all three .
“And that’s not all!” Betsy when the three had let off the first burst of steam. “I can invite a guest and I’m asking you, Mimi—can you possibly go?”
“Can I? Can a duck swim?”
“I mean, will Mrs. Cole let you without a written permission?”
“She’ll have to. Oh Betsy, I’ll be a if she won’t. Let’s ask her now.”
Leaving Olivia to gather up the notebooks and Spanish grammars, Betsy and Mimi clasped hands and ran toward Prep Hall—up the steps two at a time—knock, knock on Mrs. Cole’s door.
“If she’s not here!” Mimi.
Mimi despaired that the door would ever open and doubled up her fist to pound her out on the door before they gave up and left. She drew back her fist. As it went forward it met thin air. The door opened back before the advancing fist and Mimi almost pummeled Mrs. Cole in the stomach! She tripped trying to balance herself.
“Come in young ladies,” Mrs. Cole invited. They had interrupted her tea. “Have seats.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Cole.” Betsy found her voice first. “We’re too thrilled to sit down. We came to ask permission to g............