The father and mother had been looking far and near for their little boy and girl.
They had no one to help in the search, because they did not live near any other people.
In their house there was room for only one family.
There was no way of calling the people together, because the cliff-dwellers had no chief, as some of the Indians had.
At last the tired parents had gone into the kiva to pray to the gods to lead their children safely home.
They threw themselves down and of corn before the bear, which they thought they saw in the fire.
These cliff people the bear because they took their name from it.
The deer family worshiped the deer, and the snake family the snake.
When they were hunting they were very careful never to kill the animal from which they took their name.
“Hush,” said the mother, “the spirits tell me our children are coming.”
The father also listened for the voice of the spirits.
The voices seemed to say that the children were safe and would soon be at home again.
The father and mother sat about the fire for a long time, then rose quietly, and after throwing more corn to the flames, walked out of the kiva.
They went on the cliff, and looked about them for some sign of their children.
“The moon is clear to-night,” said the father. “There are no clouds to hide her light. She will guide Teni and Mavo home.”