Meanwhile, Fred Godfrey found himself mixed up in some events of a stirring character.
It will be recalled that while hunting for his friends he was told that they had taken to a flat-boat, or scow, and were probably across the Susquehanna.
If such were the fact, the true course for Fred was to follow them without a second's delay.
His informant no doubt meant to tell the truth, but he had given a wrong impression.
It was true, as has been shown, that the female members of the Brainerd family had started across the river under charge of the herculean Gravity Gimp, but Mr. Brainerd himself was still on the side where the battle took place, though his son believed he was with the others that had taken to the boat.
Fred was making his way as best he could to the river side, when he became aware that he had attracted the notice of several Indians, who made for him. In the general flurry he did not notice the alarming fact till the party was almost upon him. Then he turned and fired among them, threw away his gun, and made for the river at the top of his speed.
He was fleet of foot, and in a fair race would have held his own with any Iroquois in Wyoming Valley; but there was no telling when or where some more of the dusky would leap up and join in the pursuit.
It was fortunate, perhaps, that the Susquehanna was so near, for the pursuit was no more than fairly begun when it was reached. Knowing he would be compelled to swim for life, he ran as far out in the water as he could, and then took what may be called a tremendous "header," throwing himself horizontally through the air, but with his head a little lower than the rest of the body, and with his arms extended and hands pressed palm to palm in front.
He struck the water at a point beyond his depth, and drawing in one deep inspiration as he went beneath, he swam with might and main until he could hold his breath no longer.
When he rose to the surface it was a long way beyond where he went under, and much farther than where the Indians were looking for him to reappear.
But they were ready with cocked guns, and the moment the head came to view they opened fire; but Fred expected that, and waiting only long enough to catch a mouthful of air, he went under and sped along like a beneath the surface.
Every rod thus gained increased his chances, but it did not by any means remove the danger, for it takes no very skillful marksman to pick off a man across the Susquehanna, and many a on that fateful day fell after reaching the eastern shore.
Working with his usual energy, Fred Godfrey soon found himself close to Monocacy Island, covered as it was with driftwood and undergrowth, and upon which many of the settlers had taken refuge.
Almost the first person whom he recognized was the friend, who told him about the escape of the Brainerd family in the scow that Maggie and the servant had propelled across the Susquehanna.
This friend was now able to add that he had seen them crossing at a point below the island. He saw them fired at by the Indians and Tories on shore, but he was satisfied that no one of the little company was struck.
To the dismay of the youth, the neighbor assured him that Mr. Brainerd, his father, was not with the company.
This made another change in the plans of the son. Quite hopeful that those who had crossed the river were beyond danger, his whole was now for his beloved parent. Despite the danger involved, he resolved to return to the western shore, and to stay there until he learned about his parent.
Fred was too experienced, however, to act rashly. He carefully watched his chance and swam down the stream until he was well below the of , and so managed to reach the shore without detection, or rather without recognition, since it was impossible that he should escape observation.
Finally, he stepped out of the water and went up the bank, without, as he believed, attracting attention, and, suppressing all haste, walked in the direction of Forty Fort.
The battle-field, whereon the famous monument was afterwards , was about two miles above Forty Fort, where a feeble was left when Colonel Zebulon Butler marched up the river bank, and met the Tories and Indians on that July afternoon.
Fred had landed at a point near the battle-ground, and he was in doubt whether to make search through the surrounding wood and , or to steal down the river to the fort in the hope of finding his father there.
Many of the fugitives in their wild flight had thrown away their weapons (as indeed Fred Godfrey himself had done), so that it was an easy matter for him to find a gun to take the place of the one from which he had parted.
The youth made up his mind to visit the fort, and he had taken a dozen steps in that direction, when with whom should he come face to face but his beloved father himself?
The meeting was a happy one indeed, the two embracing with delight.
The father had no thought that his son had reached Wyoming, though he knew that Washington had been asked to send them re-enforcements.
Fred told the good news about the rest of the family: it was joy indeed to the parent, who was on his way to the river bank to look for them at the time he met his son.
Mr. Brainerd said that he had fought as long as there was any hope, when he turned and fled with the rest. It was the same aimless effort to get away, without any thought of the right course to take; but he was more fortunate than most of the others, for he succeeded in reaching the cover of the woods without harm.
"The best thing for us to do," said the parent, "is to go up the river so as to get above the point where, it seems, the most danger threatens."
"You mean toward Fort Wintermoot—that is, where it stood, for I see that it has been burned."
"Yes, but we needn't go the whole distance; night isn't far off, and it will be a hard task to find the folks after we get across."
Accordingly, father and son moved to the north, that is up the western bank of the river. This took them toward Fort Wintermoot, which was still smoking, and toward Fort Jenkins, just above. At the same time they were leaving the scene of the struggle a short time before.
Mr. Brainerd had no weapon, while his son carried the newly-found rifle and his two pistols. He had the charges of these and reloaded them, so that they were ready for use.
"There's one thing that ought to be understood," said Mr. Brainerd, after they had walked a short distance; "and that is what is to be done by the in case one of us falls."
"If I should be shot or captured," said Fred, impressively, "don't waste any time in trying to help me, but do all you can to get across the river, rejoin the family, and push on toward Stroudsburg; for I don't believe you'll be safe at any point this side."
"I promise you to do my utmost in that direction; and, if it should be my misfortune to fall into their hands, you must not imperil your life for me."
"I shall be careful of what I do," said Fred, refusing to make any more definite pledge, after having secured that of his companion not to step aside to befriend him in the event of misfortune.
Little did either dream that the test was so close at hand.