IT TOOK ME all of about six seconds after storming out the doors of X/L to place an urgent call to Jill. I took her through the frustrating meeting I'd just come out of.
"You're looking for a subpoena," Jill cut me off, "to get into Lightower's files?"
"Duh, Jill, and fast, before they send in the Arthur Ander-sen boys to do a little office tidying."
"Any evidence there's anything in Lightower's computer to back that up?"
"Call me suspicious, Jill, but when a guy I'm interviewing starts to twist around like a cod on a fishing line, those little police antennae behind my ears always go twang."
"How do they go, Lindsay?" Jill chuckled back.
"Twang," I said, more firmly. "C'mon, Jill, I'm not screw-ing around."
"Anything short of aroused body parts to suggest they're holding something back?&q............