Rose made Phebe promise that she would bring her stocking intothe "Bower," as she called her pretty room, on Christmas morning,because that first delicious rummage loses half its charm if twolittle night-caps at least do not meet over the treasures, and twohappy voices Oh and Ah together.
So when Rose opened her eyes that day they fell upon faithfulPhebe, rolled up in a shawl, sitting on the rug before a blazing fire,with her untouched stocking laid beside her.
"Merry Christmas!" cried the little mistress smiling gaily.
"Merry Christmas!" answered the little maid, so heartily that it didone good to hear her.
"Bring the stockings right away, Phebe, and let's see what we'vegot," said Rose, sitting up among the pillows, and looking as eageras a child.
A pair of long knobby hose were laid out upon the coverlet, andtheir contents examined with delight, though each knew everyblessed thing that had been put into the other's stocking.
Never mind what they were; it is evident that they were quitesatisfactory, for as Rose leaned back, she said, with a luxurioussigh of satisfaction, "Now, I believe I've got everything in theworld that I want," and Phebe answered, smiling over a lapful oftreasures, "This is the most splendid Christmas I ever had since Iwas born." Then she added with an important air"Do wish for something else, because I happen to know of twomore presents outside the door this minute.""Oh, me, what richness!" cried Rose, much excited. "I used to wishfor a pair of glass slippers like Cinderella's, but as I can't havethem, I really don't know what to ask for."Phebe clapped her hands as she skipped off the bed and ran to thedoor, saying merrily, "One of them is for your feet, anyway. I don'tknow what you'll say to the other, but I think it's elegant."So did Rose, when a shining pair of skates and a fine sledappeared.
"Uncle sent those; I know he did; and, now I see them, I rememberthat I did want to skate and coast. Isn't it a beauty? See! they fitnicely," and, sitting on the new sled, Rose tried a skate on her littlebare foot, while Phebe stood by admiring the pretty tableau.
"Now we must hurry and get dressed, for there is a deal to doto-day, and I want to get through in time to try my sled beforedinner.""Gracious me, and I ought to be dusting my parlors this blessedminute!" and mistress and maid separated with such happy facesthat anyone would have known what day it was without being told.
"Birnam Wood has come to Dunsinane, Rosy," said Dr. Alec, as heleft the breakfast table to open the door for a procession of holly,hemlock, and cedar boughs that came marching up the steps.
Snowballs and "Merry Christmases!" flew about pretty briskly forseveral minutes; then all fell to work trimming the old house, forthe family always dined together there on that day.
"I rode miles and mileses, as Ben says, to get this fine bit, and I'mgoing to hang it there as the last touch to the rig-a-madooning,"said Charlie, as he fastened a dull green branch to the chandelier inthe front parlor.
"It isn't very pretty," said Rose, who was trimming thechimney-piece with glossy holly sprays.
"Never mind that, it's mistletoe, and anyone who stands under itwill get kissed whether they like it or not. Now's your time, ladies,"answered the saucy Prince, keeping his place and lookingsentimentally at the girls, who retired precipitately from thedangerous spot.
"You won't catch me," said Rose, with great dignity.
"See if I don't!""I've got my eye on Phebe," observed Will, in a patronising tonethat made them all laugh.
"Bless the dear; I shan't mind it a bit," answered Phebe, with such amaternal air that Will's budding gallantry was chilled to death.
"Oh, the mistletoe bough," sang Rose.
"Oh, the mistletoe bough!" echoed all the boys, and the teasingended in the plaintive ballad they all liked so well.
There was plenty of time to try the new skates before dinner, andthen Rose took her first lesson on the little bay, which seemed tohave frozen over for that express purpose. She found tumblingdown and getting up again warm work for a time, but with six boysto teach her, she managed at last to stand alone; and, satisfied withthat success, she refreshed herself with a dozen grand coasts on theAmazon, as her sled was called.
"Ah, that fatal colour! it breaks my heart to see it," croaked AuntMyra, as Rose came down a little late, with cheeks almost as ruddyas the holly berries on the wall, and every curl as smooth asPhebe's careful hands could make it.
"I'm glad to see that Alec allows the poor child to make herselfpretty in spite of his absurd notions," added Aunt Clara, takinginfinite satisfaction in the fact that Rose's blue silk dress had threefrills on it.
"She's a very intelligent child, and has a nice little manner of herown," observed Aunt Jane, with unusual affability; for Rose hadjust handed Mac a screen to guard his eyes from the brilliant fire.
"If I had a daughter like that to show my Jem when he gets home, Ishould be a very proud and happy woman," thought Aunt Jessie,and then reproached herself for not being perfectly satisfied withher four brave lads.
Aunt Plenty was too absorbed in the dinner to have an eye foranything else; if she had not been, she would have seen what aneffect her new cap produced upon the boys. The good lady ownedthat she did "love a dressy cap," and on this occasion her head gearwas magnificent; for the towering structure of lace was adornedwith buff ribbons to such an extent that it looked as if a flock ofyellow butterflies had settled on her dear old head. When shetrotted about the rooms the ruches quivered, the little bows allstood erect, and the streamers waved in the breeze so comicallythat it was absolutely necessary for Archie to smother the Brats inthe curtains till they had had their first laugh out.
Uncle Mac had brought Fun See to dinner, and it was a mercy hedid, for the elder lads found a vent for their merriment in jokingthe young Chinaman on his improved appearance. He was inAmerican costume now, with a cropped head, and spokeremarkably good English after six months at school; but, for allthat, his yellow face and beady eyes made a curious contrast to theblonde Campbells all about him. Will called him the "Typhoon,"meaning Tycoon, and the name stuck to him to his great disgust.
Aunt Peace was brought down and set in the chair of state at table,for she never failed to join the family on this day, and sat smilingat them all, "like an embodiment of Peace on earth," Uncle Alecsaid, as he took his place beside her, while Uncle Mac supportedAunt Plenty at the other end.
"I ate hardly any breakfast, and I've done everything I know tomake myself extra hungry, but I really don't think I can eat straightthrough, unless I burst my buttons off," whispered Geordie to Will,as he surveyed the bounteous stores before him with a hopelesssigh.
"A fellow never knows what he can do till he tries," answeredWill, attacking his heaped-up plate with an evident intention ofdoing his duty like a man.
Everybody knows what a Christmas dinner is, so we need waste nowords in describing this one, but hasten at once to tell whathappened at the end of it. The end, by the way, was so long incoming that the gas was lighted before dessert was over, for asnow flurry had come on and the wintry daylight faded fast. Butthat only made it all the jollier in the warm, bright rooms, full ofhappy souls. Everyone was very merry, but Archie seemedparticularly uplifted so much so, that Charlie confided to Rose thathe was afraid the Chief had been at the decanters.
Rose indignantly denied the insinuation, for when healths weredrunk in the good old-fashioned way to suit the elders, she hadobserved that Aunt Jessie's boys filled their glasses with water, andhad done the same herself in spite of the Prince's jokes about "therosy."But Archie certainly was unusually excited, and when someoneremembered that it was the anniversary of Uncle Jem's wedding,and wished he was there to make a speech, his son electrified thefamily by trying to do it for him. It was rather incoherent andflowery, as maiden speeches are apt to be, but the end wasconsidered superb; for, turning to his mother with a queer littlechoke in his voice, he said that she "deserved to be blessed withpeace and plenty, to be crowned with roses and lads'-love, and toreceive the cargo of happiness sailing home to her in spite of windor tide to add another Jem to the family jewels."That allusion to the Captain, now on his return trip, made Mrs.
Jessie sob in her napkin, and set the boys cheering. Then, as if thatwas not sensation enough, Archie suddenly dashed out of theroom, as if he had lost his wits.
"Too bashful to stay and be praised," began Charlie, excusing thepeculiarities of his chief as in duty bound.
"Phebe beckoned to him; I saw her," cried Rose, staring hard at thedoor.
"Is it more presents coming?" asked Jamie, just as his brotherre-appeared, looking more excited than ever.
"Yes; a present for mother, and here it is!" roared Archie, flingingwide the door to let in a tall man, who cried out"Where's my little woman? The first kiss for her, then the rest maycome on as fast as they like."Before the words were out of his mouth, Mrs. Jessie washalf-hidden under his rough great-coat, and four boys wereprancing about him clamouring for their turn.
Of course, there was a joyful tumult for a time, during which Roseslipped into the window recess and watched what went on, as if itwere a chapter in a Christmas story. It was good to see bluff UncleJem look proudly at his tal............