“What are you trying to do, pard?” called the cowboy. “Trying to scare a fellow to death?”
“Suffering side winders!” exclaimed Bleeker. “Blamed if it isn’t Blunt.”
“What appears to be the trouble?” asked Blunt.
“We’re trailing down a revolver shot, Barzy,” said Merriwell. “We thought Lenning and Shoup might be mixed up with it, somehow.”
“They were,” was the grim response. “I caught sight of them, but they were too quick for me. When I called on them to halt, they didn’t pay any attention; so I turned loose with a shot just to show ’em I meant business.”
“Did you hit either of them?” Frank inquired, with a good deal of concern.
“What do you take me for, Chip?” said Blunt. “I’m careless a whole lot, and there are times when I’m a pretty rough proposition, but I’m not plumb locoed. I wasn’t trying to hit either of those junipers—but I came mighty close to Shoup. You can bet your scalp lock that he heard the sing of the bullet.”
“They got away?”
“They did, with ground to spare.”
Blunt crooked a knee around his saddle horn and took up a comfortable position on his horse.
“How did you get on the track of those fellows, Blunt?” Frank went on.
“By a happenchance. When I rode away from the hotel, yesterday afternoon, I traveled the cañon trail
toward Gold Hill. Met Schuster, one of our boys. He had been to the Hill for a couple of days, and was on his way back to the ranch. It was Schuster put me wise, Chip. He had heard a few things about Lenning and Shoup in town. You want to look out for yourself.”
“I do?” asked Frank. “Why?”
“Schuster heard that Lenning and Shoup are after your scalp. They want to balance accounts with you. I reckon you know what that means to a couple of fellows like they are.”
“Lenning and Shoup have all they can do to look out for themselves,” Chip laughingly said, “and I don’t think they’ll have any time to bother with me. Schuster probably didn’t get the thing straight, anyhow. When you overhear talk like that, Barzy, it is pretty apt to be gammon.”
“This is how straight Schuster got it,” returned Blunt. “Listen: Along at the same time Schuster heard that, he also heard that Lenning and Shoup know you and your chums were to be invited to spend a few days with the Gold Hillers in the gulch. Lenning opined that the gulch would be a good place to make his play. Did he and Shoup come out to your camp?” Blunt asked, turning to Bleeker.
“That’s what they did,” said Bleeker.
“Then Schuster wasn’t very wide of his trail on that part of it, was he? It was the information I got from him that brought me to Mohave Cañon early this morning. I didn’t stop at Dolliver’s, but drilled past his shack like a streak. Been knocking around the hills all day, and it was less than an hour ago when I got a glimpse of the skunks I’m after. Of course, I knew the Gold Hillers wouldn’t let them stay in the camp; and I was just as sure they’d hang around here, because they’re
looking for a chance at you, Merriwell, and they won’t pull their freight till they get it.”
“I’m not going to lose any sleep or miss any fun waiting for the blow to fall,” Merriwell laughed. “Come on over to the camp, Blunt. There’s a canoe race on for this afternoon and I’d like to have you help me out with a paddle.”
“Business first, pard,” answered Blunt. “I’m going to find Shoup and Lenning, get back that stolen money, and then run them out of this part of the range before they have a chance to lay hands on you.”
“Have you had anything to eat to-day?”
“This morning. At noon, I pulled up my belt a notch. To-night, if I’ve done what I’ve laid out to do, I’ll drop in at your camp for a little chuck. If I’m still shy on my plans, then I’ll shack over to Dolliver’s for grub pile.”
“I’ll get my horse and help you hunt for those fellows.”
“I feel the same as I did at the hotel yesterday,” demurred Blunt. “This is my job, and I want every one else to keep hands off.”
“Where are you going now?”
“I’m going it blind, but I know that if I comb the hills close enough Shoup and Lenning can’t dodge me.”
Blunt straightened in his saddle.
“If those fellows are really after me, Barzy,” said Frank, “you’ll do better to go with us to the camp, and put in your time waiting and keeping your eyes skinned.”
“I’ve got a different notion. You’re the one that’s got to keep his eyes skinned. See you later.”
With that, Blunt rattled his spurs and galloped on along the side of the ridge.
“I can see with half an eye what he’s up to,” declared Bleeker.
“Why, he thinks he’s saving you a little trouble by keeping Shoup and Lenning on the run. If they know he’s after them and it’s a cinch they do after that shooting—they won’t have any chance to make things lively for you, Chip. They’ll have their hands full taking care of themselves.”
Bleeker laughed. He broke int............