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Chapter 2 Parnassus

 It was well named; and the Muses seemed to be at home that day, foras the newcomers went up the slope appropriate sights and soundsgreeted them. Passing an open window, they looked in upon a librarypresided over by Clio, Calliope, and Urania; Melpomene and Thaliawere disporting themselves in the hall, where some young people weredancing and rehearsing a play; Erato was walking in the garden withher lover, and in the music-room Phoebus himself was drilling atuneful choir.

  A mature Apollo was our old friend Laurie, but comely and genial asever; for time had ripened the freakish boy into a noble man. Careand sorrow, as well as ease and happiness, had done much for him; andthe responsibility of carrying out his grandfather's wishes had beena duty most faithfully performed. Prosperity suits some people, andthey blossom best in a glow of sunshine; others need the shade, andare the sweeter for a touch of frost. Laurie was one of the formersort, and Amy was another; so life had been a kind of poem to themsince they married--not only harmonious and happy, but earnest,useful, and rich in the beautiful benevolence which can do so muchwhen wealth and wisdom go hand in hand with charity. Their house wasfull of unostentatious beauty and comfort, and here the art-lovinghost and hostess attracted and entertained artists of all kinds.
  Laurie had music enough now, and was a generous patron to the classhe most liked to help. Amy had her proteges among ambitious youngpainters and sculptors, and found her own art double dear as herdaughter grew old enough to share its labours and delights with her;for she was one of those who prove that women can be faithful wivesand mothers without sacrificing the special gift bestowed upon themfor their own development and the good of others.
  Her sisters knew where to find her, and Jo went at once to thestudio, where mother and daughter worked together. Bess was busy withthe bust of a little child, while her mother added the last touchesto a fine head of her husband. Time seemed to have stood still withAmy, for happiness had kept her young and prosperity given her theculture she needed. A stately, graceful woman, who showed how elegantsimplicity could be made by the taste with which she chose her dressand the grace with which she wore it. As someone said: 'I never knowwhat Mrs Laurence has on, but I always receive the impression thatshe is the best-dressed lady in the room.'
  It was evident that she adored her daughter, and well she might; forthe beauty she had longed for seemed, to her fond eyes at least, tobe impersonated in this younger self. Bess inherited her mother'sDiana-like figure, blue eyes, fair skin, and golden hair, tied up inthe same classic knot of curls. Also--ah! never-ending source of joyto Amy--she had her father's handsome nose and mouth, cast in afeminine mould. The severe simplicity of a long linen pinafore suitedher; and she worked away with the entire absorption of the trueartist, unconscious of the loving eyes upon her, till Aunt Jo came inexclaiming eagerly:
  'My dear girls, stop your mud-pies and hear the news!'
  Both artists dropped their tools and greeted the irrepressible womancordially, though genius had been burning splendidly and her comingspoilt a precious hour. They were in the full tide of gossip whenLaurie, who had been summoned by Meg, arrived, and sitting downbetween the sisters, with no barricade anywhere, listened withinterest to the news of Franz and Emil.
  'The epidemic has broke out, and now it will rage and ravage yourflock. Be prepared for every sort of romance and rashness for thenext ten years, Jo. Your boys are growing up and will plunge headlonginto a sea of worse scrapes than any you have had yet,' said Laurie,enjoying her look of mingled delight and despair.
  'I know it, and I hope I shall be able to pull them through and landthem safely; but it's an awful responsibility, for they will come tome and insist that I can make their poor little loves run smoothly. Ilike it, though, and Meg is such a mush of sentiment she revels inthe prospect,' answered Jo, feeling pretty easy about her own boys,whose youth made them safe for the present.
  'I'm afraid she won't revel when our Nat begins to buzz too near herDaisy. Of course you see what all that means? As musical director Iam also his confidante, and would like to know what advice to give,'
  said Laurie soberly. 'Hush! you forget that child,' began Jo, noddingtowards Bess, who was at work again.
  'Bless you! she's in Athens, and doesn't hear a word. She ought toleave off, though, and go out. My darling, put the baby to sleep, andgo for a run. Aunt Meg is in the parlour; go and show her the newpictures till we come,' added Laurie, looking at his tall girl asPygmalion might have looked at Galatea; for he considered her thefinest statue in the house.
  'Yes, papa; but please tell me if it is good'; and Bess obedientlyput down her tools, with a lingering glance at the bust.
  'My cherished daughter, truth compels me to confess that one cheek isplumper than the other; and the curls upon its infant brow are rathertoo much like horns for perfect grace; otherwise it rivals Raphael'sChanting Cherubs, and I'm proud of it.'
  Laurie was laughing as he spoke; for these first attempts were solike Amy's early ones, it was impossible to regard them as soberly asthe enthusiastic mamma did.
  'You can't see beauty in anything but music,' answered Bess, shakingthe golden head that made the one bright spot in the cool northlights of the great studio.
  'Well, I see beauty in you, dear. And if you are not art, what is? Iwish to put a little more nature into you, and get you away from thiscold clay and marble into the sunshine, to dance and laugh as theothers do. I want a flesh-and-blood girl, not a sweet statue in agrey pinafore, who forgets everything but her work.' As he spoke, twodusty hands came round his neck, and Bess said earnestly, punctuatingher words with soft touches of her lips:
  'I never forget you, papa; but I do want to do something beautifulthat you may be proud of me by and by. Mamma often tells me to stop;but when we get in here we forget there is any world outside, we areso busy and so happy. Now I'll go and run and sing, and be a girl toplease you.' And throwing away the apron, Bess vanished from theroom, seeming to take all the light with her.
  'I'm glad you said that. The dear child is too much absorbed in herartistic dreams for one so young. It is my fault; but I sympathize sodeeply in it all, I forget to be wise,' sighed Amy, carefullycovering the baby with a wet towel.
  'I think this power of living in our children is one of the sweetestthings in the world; but I try to remember what Marmee once said toMeg--that fathers should have their share in the education of bothgirls and boys; so I leave Ted to his father all I can, and Fritzlends me Rob, whose quiet ways are as restful and good for me asTed's tempests are for his father. Now I advise you, Amy, to let Bessdrop the mud-pies for a time, and take up music with Laurie; then shewon't be one-sided, and he won't be jealous.'
  'Hear, hear! A Daniel--a very Daniel!' cried Laurie, well pleased. 'Ithought you'd lend a hand, Jo, and say a word for me. I am a littlejealous of Amy, and want more of a share in my girl. Come, my lady,let me have her this summer, and next year, when we go to Rome, I'llgive her up to you and high art. Isn't that a fair bargain?'
  'I agree; but in trying your hobby, nature, with music thrown in,don't forget that, though only fifteen, our Bess is older than mostgirls of that age, and cannot be treated like a child. She is so veryprecious to me, I feel as if I wanted to keep her always as pure andbeautiful as the marble she loves so well.'
  Amy spoke regretfully as she looked about the lovely room where shehad spent so many happy hours with this dear child of hers.
  '"Turn and turn about is fair play", as we used to say when we allwanted to ride on Ellen Tree or wear the russet boots,' said Jobriskly; 'so you must share your girl between you, and see who willdo the most for her.'
  'We will,' answered the fond parents, laughing at the recollectionsJo's proverb brought up to them.
  'How I did use to enjoy bouncing on the limbs of that old apple-tree!
  No real horse ever gave me half the pleasure or the exercise,' saidAmy, looking out of the high window as if she saw the dear oldorchard again and the little girls at play there.
  'And what fun I had with those blessed boots!' laughed Jo. 'I've gotthe relics now. The boys reduced them to rags; but I love them still,and would enjoy a good theatrical stalk in them if it were possible.'
  'My fondest memories twine about the warming-pan and the sausage.
  What larks we had! And how long ago it seems!' said Laurie, staringat the two women before him as if he found it hard to realize thatthey ever had been little Amy and riotous Jo.
  'Don't suggest that we are growing old, my Lord. We have onlybloomed; and a very nice bouquet we make with our buds about us,'
  answered Mrs Amy, shaking out the folds of her rosy muslin with muchthe air of dainty satisfaction the girl used to show in a new dress.
  'Not to mention our thorns and dead leaves,' added Jo, with a sigh;for life had never been very easy to her, and even now she had hertroubles both within and without.
  'Come and have a dish of tea, old dear, and see what the young folksare about. You are tired, and want to be "stayed with flagons andcomforted with apples",' said Laurie, offering an arm to each sister,and leading them away to afternoon tea, which flowed as freely onParnassus as the nectar of old.
  They found Meg in the summer-parlour, an airy and delightful room,full now of afternoon sunshine and the rustle of trees; for the threelong windows opened on the garden. The great music-room was at oneend, and at the other, in a deep alcove hung with purple curtains, alittle household shrine had been made. Three portraits hung there,two marble busts stood in the corners, and a couch, an oval table,with its urn of flowers, were the only articles of furniture the nookcontained. The busts were John Brooke and Beth--Amy's work--bothexcellent likenesses, and both full of the placid beauty which alwaysrecalls the saying, that 'Clay represents life; plaster, death;marble, immortality'. On the right, as became the founder of thehouse, hung the portrait of Mr Laurence, with its expression ofmingled pride and benevolence, as fresh and attractive as when hecaught the girl Jo admiring it. Opposite was Aunt March--a legacy toAmy--in an imposing turban, immense sleeves, and long mittensdecorously crossed on the front of her plum-coloured satin gown. Timehad mellowed the severity of her aspect; and the fixed regard of thehandsome old gentleman opposite seemed to account for the amiablesimper on lips that had not uttered a sharp word for years.
  In the place of honour, with the sunshine warm upon it, and a greengarland always round it, was Marmee's beloved face, painted withgrateful skill by a great artist whom she had befriended when poorand unknown. So beautifully lifelike was it that it seemed to smiledown upon her daughters, saying cheerfully:
  'Be happy; I am with you still.'
  The three sisters stood a moment looking up at the beloved picturewith eyes full of tender reverence and the longing that never leftthem; for this noble mother had been so much to them that no onecould ever fill her place. Only two years since she had gone away tolive and love anew, leaving such a sweet memory behind her that itwas both an inspiration and a comforter to all the household. Theyfelt this as they drew closer to one another, and Laurie put it intowords as he said earnestly:
  'I can ask nothing better for my child than that she may be a womanlike our mother. Please God, she shall be, if I can do it; for I owethe best I have to this dear saint.'
  Just then a fresh voice began to sing 'Ave Maria' in the music-room,and Bess unconsciously echoed her father's prayer for her as shedutifully obeyed his wishes. The soft sound of the air Marmee used tosing led the listeners back into the world again from that momentaryreaching after the loved and lost, and they sat down together nearthe open windows enjoying the music, while Laurie brought them tea,making the little service pleasant by the tender care he gave to it.
  Nat came in with Demi, soon followed by Ted and Josie, the Professorand his faithful Rob, all anxious to hear more about 'the boys'. Therattle of cups and tongues grew brisk, and the setting sun saw acheerful company resting in the bright room after the varied laboursof the day.
  Professor Bhaer was grey now, but robust and genial as ever; for hehad the work he loved, and did it so heartily that the whole collegefelt his beautiful influence. Rob was as much like him as it waspossible for a boy to be, and was already called the 'youngProfessor', he so adored study and closely imitated his honouredfather in all ways.
  'Well, heart's dearest, we go to have our boys again, all two, andmay rejoice greatly,' said Mr Bhaer, seating himself beside Jo with abeaming face and a handshake of congratulation.
  'Oh, Fritz, I'm so delighted about Emil, and if you approve aboutFranz also. Did you know Ludmilla? Is it a wise match?' asked Mrs Jo,handing him her cup of tea and drawing closer, as if she welcomed herrefuge in joy as well as sorrow.
  'It all goes well. I saw the Madchen when I went over to place Franz.
  A child then, but most sweet and charming. Blumenthal is satisfied, Ithink, and the boy will be happy. He is too German to be content awayfrom Vaterland, so we shall have him as a link between the new andthe old, and that pleases me much.'
  'And Emil, he is to be second mate next voyage; isn't that fine? I'mso happy that both your boys have done well; you gave up so much forthem and their mother. You make light of it, dear, but I never forgetit,' said Jo, with her hand in his as sentimentally as if she was agirl again and her Fritz had come a-wooing.
  He laughed his cheery laugh, and whispered behind her fan: 'If I hadnot come to America for the poor lads, I never should have found myJo. The hard times are very sweet now, and I bless Gott for all Iseemed to lose, because I gained the blessing of my life.'
  'Spooning! spooning! Here's an awful flirtation on the sly,' criedTeddy, peering over the fan just at that interesting moment, much tohis mother's confusion and his father's amusement; for the Professornever was ashamed of the fact that he still considered his wife thedearest woman in the world. Rob promptly ejected his brother from onewindow, to see him skip in at the other, while Mrs Jo shut her fanand held it ready to rap her unruly boy's knuckles if he came nearher again.
  Nat approached in answer to Mr Bhaer's beckoning teaspoon, and stoodbefore them with a face full of the respectful affection he felt forthe excellent man who had done so much for him.
  'I have the letters ready for thee, my son. They are two old friendsof mine in Leipzig, who will befriend thee in that new life. It iswell to have them, for thou wilt be heartbroken with Heimweh at thefirst, Nat, and need comforting,' said the Professor, giving himseveral letters.
  'Thanks, sir. Yes, I expect to be pretty lonely till I get started,then my music and the hope of getting on will cheer me up,' answeredNat, who both longed and dreaded to leave all these friends behindhim and make new ones.
  He was a man now; but the blue eyes were as honest as ever, the mouthstill a little weak, in spite of the carefully cherished moustacheover it, and the broad forehead more plainly than ever betrayed themusic-loving nature of the youth. Modest, affectionate, and dutiful,Nat was considered a pleasant though not a brilliant success by MrsJo. She loved and trusted him, and was sure he would do his best, butdid not expect that he would be great in any way, unless the stimulusof foreign training and self-dependence made him a better artist anda stronger man than now seemed likely.
  'I've marked all your things--or rather, Daisy did--and as soon asyour books are collected, we can see about the packing,' said Mrs Jo,who was so used to fitting boys off for all quarters of the globethat a trip to the North Pole would not have been too much for her.
  Nat grew red at mention of that name--or was it the last glow ofsunset on his rather pale cheek?--and his heart beat happily at thethought of the dear girl working Ns and Bs on his humble socks andhandkerchiefs; for Nat adored Daisy, and the cherished dream of hislife was to earn a place for himself as a musician and win this angelfor his wife. This hope did more for him than the Professor'scounsels, Mrs Jo's care, or Mr Laurie's generous help. For her sakehe worked, waited, and hoped, finding courage and patience in thedream of that happy future when Daisy should make a little home forhim and he fiddle a fortune into her lap. Mrs Jo knew this; andthough he was not exactly the man she would have chosen for herniece, she felt that Nat would always need just the wise and lovingcare Daisy could give him, and that without it there was danger ofhis being one of the amiable and aimless men who fail for want of theright pilot to steer them safely through the world. Mrs Meg decidedlyfrowned upon the poor boy's love, and would not hear of giving herdear girl to any but the best man to be found on the face of theearth. She was very kind, but as firm as such gentle souls can be;and Nat fled for comfort to Mrs Jo, who always espoused the interestsof her boys heartily. A new set of anxieties was beginning now thatthe aforesaid boys were growing up, and she foresaw no end of worryas well as amusement in the love-affairs already budding in herflock. Mrs Meg was usually her best ally and adviser, for she lovedromances as well now as when a blooming girl herself. But in thiscase she hardened her heart, and would not hear a word of entreaty.
  'Nat was not man enough, never would be, no one knew his family, amusician's life was a hard one; Daisy was too young, five or sixyears hence when time had proved both perhaps. Let us see whatabsence will do for him.' And that was the end of it, for when thematernal Pelican was roused she could be very firm, though for herprecious children she would have plucked her last feather and giventhe last drop of her blood.
  Mrs Jo was thinking of this as she looked at Nat while he talked withher husband about Leipzig, and she resolved to have a clearunderstanding with him before he went; for she was used toconfidences, and talked freely with her boys about the trials andtemptations that beset all lives in the beginning, and so often marthem, for want of the right word at the right moment.
  This is the first duty of parents, and no false delicacy should keepthem from the watchful care, the gentle warning, which makesself-knowledge and self-control the compass and pilot of the young asthey leave the safe harbour of home.
  'Plato and his disciples approach,' announced irreverent Teddy, as MrMarch came in with several young men and women about him; for thewise old man was universally beloved, and ministered so beautifullyto his flock that many of them thanked him all their lives for thehelp given to both hearts and souls.
  Bess went to him at once; for since Marmee died, Grandpapa was herspecial care, and it was sweet to see the golden head bend over thesilver one as she rolled out his easy-chair and waited on him withtender alacrity.
  'Aesthetic tea always on tap here, sir; will you have a flowing bowlor a bit of ambrosia?' asked Laurie, who was wandering about with asugar-basin in one hand and a plate of cake in the other; forsweetening cups and feeding the hungry was work he loved.
  'Neither, thanks; this child has taken care of me'; and Mr Marchturned to Bess, who sat on one arm of his chair, holding a glass offresh milk.
  'Long may she live to do it, sir, and I be here to see this prettycontradiction of the song that "youth and age cannot live together"!'
  answered Laurie, smiling at the pair. '"Crabbed age", papa; thatmakes all the difference in the world,' said Bess quickly; for sheloved poetry, and read the best.
  'Wouldst thou see fresh roses growIn a reverend bed of snow?'
  quoted Mr March, as Josie came and perched on the other arm, lookinglike a very thorny little rose; for she had been having a hotdiscussion with Ted, and had got the worst of it.
  'Grandpa, must women always obey men and say they are the wisest,just because they are the strongest?' she cried, looking fiercely ather cousin, who came stalking up with a provoking smile on the boyishface that was always very comical atop of that tall figure.
  'Well, my dear, that is the old-fashioned belief, and it will takesome time to change it. But I think the woman's hour has struck; andit looks to me as if the boys must do their best, for the girls areabreast now, and may reach the goal first,' answered Mr March,surveying with paternal satisfaction the bright faces of the youngwomen, who were among the best students in the college.
  'The poor little Atalantas are sadly distracted and delayed by theobstacles thrown in their way--not golden apples, by any means -- butI think they will stand a fair chance when they have learned to runbetter,' laughed Uncle Laurie, stroking Josie's breezy hair, whichstood up like the fur of an angry kitten.
  'Whole barrels of apples won't stop me when I start, and a dozen Tedswon't trip me up, though they may try. I'll show him that a woman canact as well, if not better, than a man. It has been done, and will beagain; and I'll never own that my brain isn't as good as his, thoughit may be smaller,' cried the excited young person.
  'If you shake your head in that violent way you'll addle what brainsyou have got; and I'd take care of 'em, if I were you,' began teasingTed.
  'What started this civil war?' asked Grandpapa, with a gentleemphasis on the adjective, which caused the combatants to calm theirardour a little.
  'Why, we were pegging away at the Iliad and came to where Zeus tellsJuno not to inquire into his plans or he'll whip her, and Jo wasdisgusted because Juno meekly hushed up. I said it was all right, andagreed with the old fellow that women didn't know much and ought toobey men,' explained Ted, to the great amusement of his hearers.
  'Goddesses may do as they like, but those Greek and Trojan women werepoor-spirited things if they minded men who couldn't fight their ownbattles and had to be hustled off by Pallas, and Venus, and Juno,when they were going to get beaten. The idea of two armies stoppingand sitting down while a pair of heroes flung stones at one another!
  I don't think much of your old Homer. Give me Napoleon or Grant formy hero.'
  Josie's scorn was as funny as if a humming-bird scolded at anostrich, and everyone laughed as she sniffed at the immortal poet andcriticized the gods.
  'Napoleon's Juno had a nice time; didn't she? That's just the waygirls argue--first one way and then the other,' jeered Ted.
  'Like Johnson's young lady, who was "not categorical, but allwiggle-waggle",' added Uncle Laurie, enjoying the battle immensely.
  'I was only speaking of them as soldiers. But if you come to thewoman side of it, wasn't Grant a kind husband and Mrs Grant a happywoman? He didn't threaten to whip her if she asked a naturalquestion; and if Napoleon did do wrong about Josephine, he couldfight, and didn't want any Minerva to come fussing over him. Theywere a stupid set, from dandified Paris to Achilles sulking in hisships, and I won't change my opinion for all the Hectors andAgamemnons in Greece,' said Josie, still unconquered.
  'You can fight like a Trojan, that's evident; and we will be the twoobedient armies looking on while you and Ted have it out,' beganUncle Laurie, assuming the attitude of a warrior leaning on hisspear.
  'I fear we must give it up, for Pallas is about to descend and carryoff our Hector,' said Mr March, smiling, as Jo came to remind her sonthat suppertime was near.
  'We will fight it out later when there are no goddesses tointerfere,' said Teddy, as he turned away with unusual alacrity,remembering the treat in store.
  'Conquered by a muffin, by Jove!' called Josie after him, exulting inan opportunity to use the classical exclamation forbidden to her sex.
  But Ted shot a Parthian arrow as he retired in good order byreplying, with a highly virtuous expression:
  'Obedience is a soldier's first duty.'
  Bent on her woman's privilege of having the last word, Josie ranafter him, but never uttered the scathing speech upon her lips, for avery brown young man in a blue suit came leaping up the steps with acheery 'Ahoy! ahoy! where is everybody?'
  'Emil! Emil!' cried Josie, and in a moment Ted was upon him, and thelate enemies ended their fray in a joyful welcome to the newcomer.
  Muffins were forgotten, and towing their cousin like two fussy littletugs with a fine merchantman, the children returned to the parlour,where Emil kissed all the women and shook hands with all the menexcept his uncle; him he embraced in the good old German style, tothe great delight of the observers.
  'Didn't think I could get off today, but found I could, and steeredstraight for old Plum. Not a soul there, so I luffed and bore awayfor Parnassus, and here is every man Jack of you. Bless your hearts,how glad I am to see you all!' exclaimed the sailor boy, beaming atthem, as he stood with his legs apart as if he still felt the rockingdeck under his feet.
  'You ought to "shiver your timbers", not "bless our hearts", Emil;it's not nautical at all. Oh, how nice and shippy and tarry you dosmell!' said Josie, sniffing at him with great enjoyment of the freshsea odours he brought with him. This was her favourite cousin, andshe was his pet; so she knew that the bulging pockets of the bluejacket contained treasures for her at least.
  'Avast, my hearty, and let me take soundings before you dive,'
  laughed Emil, understanding her affectionate caresses, and holdingher off with one hand while with the other he rummaged out sundryforeign little boxes and parcels marked with different names, andhanded them round with appropriate remarks, which caused muchlaughter; for Emil was a wag.
  'There's a hawser that will hold our little cock-boat still aboutfive minutes,' he said, throwing a necklace of pretty pink coral overJosie's head; 'and here's something the mermaids sent to Undine,' headded, handing Bess a string of pearly shells on a silver chain.
  I thought Daisy would like a fiddle, and Nat can find her a beau,'
  continued the sailor, with a laugh, as he undid a dainty filigreebrooch in the shape of a violin.
  'I know she will, and I'll take it to her,' answered Nat, as hevanished, glad of an errand, and sure that he could find Daisy thoughEmil had missed her.
  Emil chuckled, and handed out a quaintly carved bear whose headopened, showing a capacious ink-stand. This he presented, with ascrape, to Aunt Jo.
  'Knowing your fondness for these fine animals, I brought this one toyour pen.'
  'Very good, Commodore! Try again,' said Mrs Jo, much pleased with hergift, which caused the Professor to prophesy 'works of Shakespeare'
  from its depths, so great would be the inspiration of the belovedbruin.
  'As Aunt Meg will wear caps, in spite of her youth, I got Ludmilla toget me some bits of lace. Hope you'll like 'em'; and out of a softpaper came some filmy things, one of which soon lay like a net ofsnowflakes on Mrs Meg's pretty hair.
  'I couldn't find anything swell enough for Aunt Amy, because she haseverything she wants, so I brought a little picture that always makesme think of her when Bess was a baby'; and he handed her an ovalivory locket, on which was painted a goldenhaired Madonna, with arosy child folded in her blue mantle.
  'How lovely!' cried everyone; and Aunt Amy at once hung it about herneck on the blue ribbon from Bess's hair, charmed with her gift; forit recalled the happiest year of her life.
  'Now, I flatter myself I've got just the thing for Nan, neat but notgaudy, a sort of sign you see, and very appropriate for a doctor,'
  said Emil, proudly displaying a pair of lava earrings shaped likelittle skulls.
  'Horrid!' And Bess, who hated ugly things, turned her eyes to her ownpretty shells.
  'She won't wear earrings,' said Josie.
  'Well, she'll enjoy punching your ears then. She's never so happy aswhen she's overhauling her fellow creatures and going for 'em with aknife,' answered Emil, undisturbed. 'I've got a lot of plunder foryou fellows in my chest, but I knew I should have no peace till mycargo for the girls was unloaded. Now tell me all the news.' And,seated on Amy's best marbletopped table, the sailor swung his legsand talked at the rate of ten knots an hour, till Aunt Jo carriedthem all off to a grand family tea in honour of the Commodore.

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