His Honour, Brudenel,[53] loved and sought Dr. Burney with the most faithful admiration from a very early period; and, to the latest in his power, he manifested the same partiality. Though by no means a man of talents, he made his way to the grateful and lasting regard of Dr. Burney, by constancy of personal attachment, and a fervour of devotion to the art through which the distinction of the Doctor had had its origin.
Dr. Ogle, Dean of Winchester,[54] a man of facetious pleasantry, yet of real sagacity; though mingled with eccentricities, perversities, and decidedly republican
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principles, became a warm admirer of the character and conversation of the Doctor; while the exemplary Mrs. Ogle and her sprightly daughters united to enliven his reception, in Berkeley-square, as an honoured instructor, and a cordial friend.
But with far more political congeniality the President of the Royal Society, Sir Joseph Bank............