Of this visit, which took place immediately after one that had been fatiguingly irksome from stately ceremony, he speaks, in his chronological rhymes, in the following manner.
To Bewley retiring, in peace and in quiet,
Where our[44] welcome was hearty, and simple our diet;
Where reason and science all jargon disdain’d,
And humour and wit with philosophy reign’d—
[Pg 266]
Not a muse but was ready to answer his call;
By the virtues all cherish’d, the great and the small.
There Clio I court, to reveal every mystery
Of musical lore, with its practice and history.
Mr. Bewley, now, was the principal writer for scientific articles in the Monthly Review, under the editorship of Mr. Griffith. He was, also, in close literary connexion with Dr. Priestley, Mr. Reid, and Padre Beccaria; with whom to correspond he had latterly dedicated some weeks exclusively to the study of Italian, that he might answer the letters of that celebrated man in his own language.
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