THERE IS THE MATTER of your western lands, I called out from the throng of petitioners.
Who speaks? Baldwin asked, startled. A surprised buzzworked through the crowd of petitioners.
A knight, your lordship, I shouted. I have taken a raiding party and sacked and burned all the villages of your enemies in the west.
Baldwin stood up. He leaned over to his seneschal. But we don't have any enemies in the west...
I took a breath and edged myself out from the crowd. I am sorry, lord, but I fear that you donow.
Slowly, steadily, a trail of laughter wound through the room. As the joke became clear, it grew heartier.
It is afool , I heard someone say. A performance.
Baldwin glared and stepped toward me. His icy stare made my blood run cold. Who are you, fool? What has prompted you to speak?
I am Hugh. From Bor俥. I bowed. I have studied under Norbert, the famous jester there. I am informed that your court is greatly in need of a laugh.
Alaugh ? My court hungers for alaugh... ? Baldwin squinted uncomprehendingly. You are certainly fool-born, man, I grant you that. And you have come all this way from the big city ............