'Well but, Vernon, are you using the bathroom every day?' 'Heck, Ma.'
'It's just that this week you're up against that sweet cripple who supposedly killed his parents. And he cries all the time. All the time.'
'You sayin I look guilty?'
'Well on camera you always just lie staring at the ceiling, Vernon, you can be so impassive.'
'But I didn't do nothin.'
'Don't let's start that again. I just don't want the day to arrive and you not be - you know, ready - it's March twenty-eight tomorrow, I mean, that'll be another vote under the bridge …'
Death Row always hushes when my ole lady calls. I guess it's like that in TV-land too, you know how entertaining she can be.
'Did you get the thing I sent for Pam?' I ask.
'Well yes, and thank you very much, from both of us. You know, we were even saying …'
'Mom - I think you should use it at the, you know - the time …'
'Well that's what we were saying …' I wait while she gives a bitty sob, and blows her nose. My eyes mist up too. She leaves the receiver for a second to compose herself, and returns with a sigh. 'Then we can just remember you the way you were - just imagine you're out on your bike …'
'Sure,' I say. 'That's why I sent the token - you can use it at any branch y'know.'
'Well we're very grateful, specially if you saw the price of a Chik'n'Mix lately. Pam and I will use the token, and Vaine can pay for her own …'
'And Ma - tell Nana she don't have to come up here either.'
There's a pause on the line. 'Well - Vernon, I haven't told your nana about, you know - the trouble. She's old, and she only watches Shopping anyway, she won't have seen the news - I think it should just be our little secret, okay?'
'And when I don't show up for lawnmowing this spring?'
'Oh hell - Vernon, the gals just arrived and I haven't finished Vaine's skirt.'
'Vaine's wearing a skirt?'
'Listen baby, we're canvassing votes for you, so don't worry - some people end up waiting years on drrth rhrw …'
After the call, I lay back on the bunk and plough things over in my mind. Needs, boy, human needs. Mom once said Palmyra was into food because it was the only thing she could control in her life. It wouldn't run from the plate, or stand up to her. I think about it, and see Leona sucking attention like sunrays; ole Mr Deutschman savoring his mangle-headed tangs. Sympathy dripping giddy into the aching sponge of Mom's life. Melted cheese and Vaine Gurie. Give 'em all what they want, I say.
I know the Barn token is a good want to give Palmyra, but I should think of something especially for Mom, even ............