The copter rose serenely towards the heavenly vault. Ron's small body was feeling the effects of the day's strain. It collapsed against the leathery cushions, the short arms and legs limp and dangling.
The doctor patted his knee. "Another few moments," he said.
"Where are we going?"
"To the spaceport in Winnipeg. I have a friend there. He has two children of his own, both born in the Mars Colony. He'll be returning there within the week."
"And you want me to go with him?"
"Yes, Ron. I want you to grow up all over again, and then return to Earth. It won't be easy for you, but there will be advantages. Your life span has been lengthened. And right now, you know, you're something of a prodigy yourself." He chuckled dryly.
"And what happens here?" Ron said bitterly. "What kind of Earth will I find on my return?"
"An older Earth. Perhaps a wiser Earth...."
"No, doctor." Ron forced himself to a sitting position. "Not with the Scholar alive and thriving, grow............