Their Majesties had not long quitted Lambeth Palace, when the Franciscan friar was summoned by Rodomont to the presence of the Cardinal.
While crossing the court with the monk, Rodomont paused for a moment, and directed his companion’s attention to the Lollards’ Tower.
“You would imagine the prisoners must be secure in that tower, holy father,” he remarked.
“Unquestionably so, my son,” replied the friar.
“His Majesty, however, is not of that opinion,” rejoined Rodomont. “He is under the impression that a certain young gallant, whose brain seems turned by love, would be rash enough to climb, by means of a rope-ladder, to the window of the cell wherein his mistress is confined.”
“Does the King suspect this?” inquired the monk, uneasily.
“So shrewdly, that he has ordered me to keep strict watch to-night, and to arrest the love-sick gallant should he appear. The task is not to my liking, but I must obey his Majesty’s orders. Some men will run any risk for those they love—but you, father, cannot understand such matters. You would reprove Osbert Clinton—for so the gallant is named—for his rashness and folly.”
“I should pity him, rather than blame him,” said the friar.
“And you would not deem it wrong if I were to aid him, eh, father? Certes, I should be loth to betray him—but he is so imprudent that he might betray himself. ’Tis a miracle that he ’scaped detection by the King just now.”
240“What mean you, my son?” cried the monk, alarmed.
“I mean that Master Osbert Clinton has been rash enough to venture hither,” said Rodomont; “and though luckily his Majesty did not see through his disguise, I was not equally blind.”
“You knew me, then?” said Osbert Clinton.
“My suspicions of the truth were roused from the first, and were speedily changed to certainty,” rejoined Rodomont. “’Twas marvellous, I repeat, that you imposed upon the quick-sighted King, but I do not think the Cardinal was deceived. However, you have not much to fear from his Eminence, who is too kind-hearted to do more than chide you for your indiscretion. Had things continued as they were, and Mistress Constance been kept a prisoner in yon tower, I would have helped you to liberate her. But a change for the better has occurred. The doors of her cell are opened, and she is free to go where she lists within the palace. Let that content you. And now I must bring you before his Eminence.”
With this they entered the palace, and after passing through the vestibule, where a number of persons belonging to the household were collected, they proceeded to a spacious chamber, with a carved oak ceiling, windows filled with painted glass, and walls furnished with book-shelves stored with goodly tomes, where they found the Cardinal seated at a table. He was writing at the moment, and only suspended his task to look up, and then resumed it. When he had finished his letter and sealed it, he delivered it to Rodomont, bidding him give it to Lord Montague’s messenger, who was waiting to receive it. As soon as they were alone, he turned to Osbert, and assuming a grave and severe expression of countenance, ordered him to throw back his hood; and, as the young man complied, he said, “’Tis as I suspected. You are Osbert Clinton.”
“Yes, I am he,” replied the other. “It was my intention to avow myself to your Eminence—to ............