One of the strongest county organizations among the farmers is the Atchison County Protective Association. It had its origin in a vigilance committee which was organized at Good Intent and Shannon, in 1883. For three years this committee operated as a vigilance committee and was organized under the Central Protective Association, August 31, 1886, by William Conners, of Winthrop, Mo. L. P. Dubois, concerning whom a biographical sketch appears in another part of this history, was the first president of the Good Intent lodge, and W. H. Smith was the first secretary. Hon. T. J. Emlen, county treasurer of this county, was the first treasurer of Shannon Hill lodge, and J. I. Holmes was the first secretary.
The first work that was done by the consolidated lodges was in running down a thief who stole a team of horses from the late Rolla Streeper. Members of both lodges were taxed $10 each to defray the expense of the chase. J. H. Barry was sheriff of the county at that time and captured the thief in Nebraska.
Following this capture the lodges decided that the expense was too great to be borne by them alone and so the Atchison County Protective Association was formed in the spring of 1889. The first president was C. S. Prim, and the second president was Hon. W. T. Bland, third president was Elias Graves. W. H. Bush was the fourth president, and he held office for ten years and was one of the most popular, tactful and conscientious officials the association ever had. Will Dooley, of the Good Intent lodge, was president of the 329association in 1916, and no better man ever filled the position. The Hon. Edward Iverson, ex-county clerk, and now cashier of the Exchange State Bank, at Atchison, has been secretary of the association since 1901. The association has now a membership of 1,500 and with twenty-five lodges, and is affiliated with the Central Protective Association.
This lodge was organized January 17, 1901, with 150 charter members. W. T. Bland, for many years district judge of this county, was elected the first exalted ruler. The lodge occupied temporary quarters for a number of years, and erected its present building at a cost of $20,000 and dedicated it in 1907. The present membership of the Elk’s lodge is 326, and the names of the past exalted rulers, in addition to W. T. Bland, are as follows: Charles Linley, T. S. Young, J. M. Challiss, James W. Orr, W. S. Washer, Fred Giddings, W. P. Waggener, B. W. Vickery, W. D. Harburger, Charles A. Brown, G. W. Myers, H. B. Bilimek, and Walter E. Brown, whose term expires March 31, 1916.
Elks Club House, Atchison, Kan.
The Atchison Aerie, No. 173, of the Fraternal Order of Eagles, was instituted on October 3, 1901. The officers in 1916 are as follows: Past worthy president, Owen Grady; worthy president, John V. Smith; worthy vice-president, Fred Rambke; worthy chaplain, F. E. Kaaz; treasurer, L. M. Baker; secretary, W. H. Smith; trustees, S. S. King, Carl Schmitt, E. N. Underwood; aerie physician, Dr. C. F. Finney.
Eagles’ Home, Atchison, Kan.
The aerie meets every Wednesday evening. The cost of the present building was about $35,000. The building belongs to the Eagles’ Benevolent Association. The present membership is 550.
Ancient Order of United Workmen—Atchison Lodge, No. 4, first and third Thursdays at Odd Fellows’ Hall. L. M. Baker, recorder.
331Ancient Order of United Workmen—Mulford Lodge, No. 137. Second and fourth Thursdays at Odd Fellows’ Hall. W. A. Wilson, recorder.
Ancient Order of United Workmen—Degree of Honor—Columbia Lodge, No. 85. Second and fourth Thursdays.
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks—Atchison Lodge, No. 647. First and third Tuesdays at 611 Kansas avenue. George R. Hooper, secretary.
Central Protective Association—Atchison Lodge, No. 32. Meets at call of president. W. H. Smith, secretary.
Court of Honor—(See Ancient Order of United Workmen.).
Eagles—(See Fraternal Order of Eagles).
Elks Club House—(See Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks).
Fraternal Aid Association—Atchison Council, No. 7. First and third Wednesdays at Security Hall. Rosa S. Voorhees, secretary.
Fraternal Order of Eagles—Atchison Aerie, No. 173. Every Wednesday at Eagles’ Hall. W. H. Smith, secretary.
Grand Army of the Republic—A. S. Everest Post, No. 493. First and third Mondays at court house.
Grand Army of the Republic—A. S. Everest Woman’s Relief Corps, No. 148. First and third Thursdays at court house. Mrs. John Noron, secretary.
Grand Army of the Republic—John A. Martin Post, No. 93. Fourth Sundays at court house. Willful A. Stanley, adjutant. C. H. Burrows, commander.
Independent Order of Odd Fellows—(See Odd Fellows).
Improved Order of Red Men—Miami Tribe, No. 15. Every Monday at Red............