Once upon a time there was a tailor, and, whenever he hadn’t a job, he used to spend his time mending stockings. One day after dinner the table was covered with flies. The tailor struck at them with a stocking and killed nine of them at a blow.
As he hadn’t any job in hand, he started out to see the world, and his belt had written on it “Nine at a blow.” On his way he met a boy, who asked him to buy a finch from him. He bought it, put it in his knapsack, and went on his way. Then he came to a farm where the farmer’s wife was making cheese. He asked her for something to eat, so she gave him some sour milk and a piece of Yorkshire cheese. The tailor drank the milk and put the cheese in his knapsack and went on his way. At last he reached a town. It was a hot day, so he lay down and fell asleep. Now, a giant happened to [162]pass that way, and he saw written in golden letters: “Nine at a blow.”
So he waked the tailor and asked him: “Have you really killed nine at a blow?”
The tailor answered that he had, and the giant said: “Let’s have a trial which of us is the stronger. I’ll cast a stone, and it will be an hour before it comes down.”
The tailor said: “I’ll cast a stone that won’t come down at all.”
So the giant cast a stone, and it was a full hour before it came down again. Instead of casting a stone, the tailor let the finch go, and, of course, it didn’t come back again.
So the giant said: “Let’s have another try. I’ll crush a stone to powder.”
The tailor said: “I’ll squeeze water from a stone.”
So the giant took a pebble and crushed it to powder. The tailor took the cheese and squeezed it till the water oozed out of it.
The giant gave in, and acknowledged that the tailor was the stronger of the two. S............