Eskel Gorov stirred on his couch and opened one eye as Limmar Ponyetsentered the heavily reinforced door. It boomed shut behind him. Gorovsputtered and came to his feet.
"Ponyets! They sent you?""Pure chance," said Ponyets, bitterly, "or the work of my own personalmalevolent demon. Item one, you get into a mess on Askone. Item two, mysales route, as known to the Board of Trade, carries me within fiftyparsecs of the system at just the time of item one. Item three, we'veworked together before and the Board knows it. Isn't that a sweet,inevitable set-up? The answer just pops out of a slot.""Be careful," said Gorov, tautly. "There'll be someone listening. Are youwearing a Field Distorter?"Ponyets indicated the ornamented bracelet that hugged his wrist and Gorovrelaxed.
Ponyets looked about him. The cell was bare, but large. It was well-lit andit lacked offensive odors. He said, "Not bad. They're treating you with kidgloves."Gorov brushed the remark aside, "Listen, how did you get down here? I'vebeen in strict solitary for almost two weeks.""Ever since I came, huh? Well, it seems the old bird who's boss here hashis weak points. He leans toward pious speeches, so I took a chance thatworked. I'm here in the capacity of your spiritual adviser. There'ssomething about a pious man such as he. He will cheerfully cut your throatif it suits him, but he will hesitate to endanger the welfare of yourimmaterial and problematical soul. It's just a piece of empiricalpsychology. A trader has to know a little of everything."Gorov's smile was sardonic, "And you've been to theological school as well.
You're all right, Ponyets. I'm glad they sent you. But the Grand Masterdoesn't love my soul exclusively. Has he mentioned a ransom?"The trader's eyes narrowed, "He hinted ? barely. And he also threateneddeath by gas. I played safe, and dodged; it might easily have been a trap.
So it's extortion, is it? What is it he wants?""Gold.""Gold!" Ponyets frowned. "The metal itself? What for?""It's their medium of exchange.""Is it? And where do I get gold from?""Wherever you can. Listen to me; this is important. Nothing will happen tome as long as the Grand Master has the scent of gold in his nose. Promiseit to him; as much as he asks for. Then go back to the Foundation, ifnecessary, to get it. When I'm free, we'll be escorted out of the system,and then we part company."Ponyets stared disapprovingly, "And then you'll come back and try again.""It's my assignment to sell nucleics to Askone.""They'll get you before you've gone a parsec in space. You know that, Isuppose.""I don't," said Gorov. "And if I did, it wouldn't affect things.""They'll kill you the second time."Gorov shrugged.
Ponyets said quietly, "If I'm going to negotiate with the Grand Masteragain, I want to know the whole story. So far, I've been working it tooblind. As it was, the few mild remarks I did make almost threw hisVeneration into fits.""It's simple enough," said Gorov. "The only way we can increase thesecur............