When Hardin denied owning the Journal, he was perhaps technically correct,but no more. Hardin had been the leading spirit in the drive to incorporateTerminus into an autonomous municipality-he had been elected its firstmayor-so it was not surprising that, though not a single share of Journalstock was in his name, some sixty percent was controlled by him in moredevious fashions.
There were ways.
Consequently, when Hardin began suggesting to Pirenne that he be allowed toattend meetings of the Board of Trustees, it was not quite coincidence thatthe Journal began a similar campaign. And the first mass meeting in thehistory of the Foundation was held, demanding representation of the City inthe "national" government.
And, eventually, Pirenne capitulated with ill grace.
Hardin, as he sat at the foot of the table, speculated idly as to just whatit was that made physical scientists such poor administrators. It might bemerely that they were too used to inflexible fact and far too unused topliable people.
In any case, there was Tomaz Sutt and Jord Fara on his left; Lundin Crastand Yate Fulham on his fight; with Pirenne, himself, presiding. He knewthem all, of course, but they seemed to have put on an extra-special bit ofpomposity for the occasion.
Hardin had dozed through the initial formalities and then perked up whenPirenne sipped at the glass of water before him by way of preparation andsaid:
"I find it very gratifying to be able to inform the Board that since ourlast meeting, I have received word that Lord Dorwin, Chancellor of theEmpire, will arrive at Terminus in two weeks. It may be taken for grantedthat our relations with Anacreon will be smoothed out to our completesatisfaction as soon as the Emperor is informed of the situation. "He smiled and addressed Hardin across the length of the table. "Informationto this effect has been given the Journal."Hardin snickered below his breath. It seemed evident that Pirenne's desireto strut this information before him had been one reason for his admissioninto the sacrosanctum.
He said evenly: "Leaving vague expressions out of account, what do youexpect Lord Dorwin to do?"Tomaz Sutt replied. He had a bad habit of addressing one in the thirdperson when in his more stately moods.
"It is quite evident," he observed, "that Mayor Hardin is a professionalcynic. He can scarcely fail to realize that the Emperor would be mostunlikely to allow his personal rights to be infringed.""Why? What would he do in case they were?"There was an annoyed stir. Pirenne said, "You are out of order," and, as anafterthought, "and are making what are near-treasonable statements,besides.""Am I to consider myself answered?""Yes! If you have nothing further to say?
"Don't jump to conclusions. I'd like to ask a question. Besides this strokeof diplomacy ?which may or may not prove to mean anything ?has anythingconcrete been done to meet the Anacreonic menace?"Yate Fulham drew one hand along his ferocious red mustache. "You see amenace there, do you?""Don't you?""Scarcely"?this with indulgence. "The Emperor?
"Great space!" Hardin felt annoyed. "What is this? Every once in a whilesomeone mentions 'Emperor' or 'Empire' as if it were a magic word. TheEmperor is thousands of parsecs away, and I doubt whether he gives a damnabout us. And if he does, what can he do? What there was of the imperialnavy in these regions is in the hands of the four kingdoms now and Anacreonhas its share. Listen, we have to fight with guns, not with words.
"Now, get this. We've had two months' grace so far, mainly because we'vegiven Anacreon the idea that we've got nuclear weapons. Well, we all knowthat that's a little white lie. We've got nuclear power, but only forcommercial uses, and darn little at that. They're going to find that outsoon, and if you think they're going to enjoy being jollied along, you'remistaken.""My dear sir?
"Hold on: I'm not finished." Hardin was warming up. He liked this. "It'sall very well to drag chancellors into this, but it would be much nicer todrag a few great big siege guns fitted for beautiful nuclear bombs into it.
We've lost two months, gentlemen, and we may not have another two months tolose. What do you propose to do?"Said Lundin Crast, his long nose wrinkling angrily: "If you're proposingthe militarization of the Foundation, I won't hear a word of it. It wouldmark our open entrance into the field of politics. We, Mr. Mayor, are ascientific foundation and nothing else."Added Sutt: "He does not realize, moreover, that building armaments wouldmean withdrawing men ?valuable men ?from the Encyclopedia. That cannot bedone, come what may.""Very true," agreed Pirenne. "The Encyclopedia first ? always."Hardin groaned in spirit. The Board seemed to suffer violently fromEncyclopedia on the brain,He said icily: "Has it ever occurred to this Board that it is barelypossible that Terminus may have interests other than the Encyclopedia?"Pirenne replied: &quo............