COMMISSION OF PUBLIC SAFETY?.. The aristocratic coterie rose to powerafter the assassination of Cleon I, last of the Entuns. In the main, theyformed an element of order during the centuries of instability anduncertainty in the Imperium. Usually under the control of the greatfamilies of the Chens and the Divarts, it degenerated eventually into ablind instrument for maintenance of the status quo.... They were notcompletely removed as a power in the state until after the accession of thelast strong Emperor, Cleon H. The first Chief Commissioner....
... In a way, the beginning of the Commission's decline can be traced tothe trial of Hari Seldon two years before the beginning of the FoundationalEra. That trial is described in Gaal Dornick's biography of Hari Seldon....
ENCYCLOPEDIA GALACTICAGaal did not carry out his promise. He was awakened the next morning by amuted buzzer. He answered it, and the voice of the desk clerk, as muted,polite and deprecating as it well might be, informed him that he was underdetention at the orders of the Commission of Public Safety.
Gaal sprang to the door and found it would no longer open. He could onlydress and wait.
They came for him and took him elsewhere, but it was still detention. Theyasked him questions most politely. It was all very civilized. He explainedthat he was a provincial of Synnax; that he had attended such and suchschools and obtained a Doctor of Mathematics degree on such and such adate. He had applied for a position on Dr. Seldon's staff and had beenaccepted. Over and over again, he gave these details; and over and overagain, they returned to the question of his joining the Seldon Project. Howhad he heard of it; what were to be his duties; what secret instructionshad he received; what was it all about?
He answered that he did not know. He had no secret instructions. He was ascholar and a mathematician. He had no interest in politics.
And finally the gentle inquisitor asked, "When will Trantor be destroyed?"Gaal faltered, "I could not say of my own knowledge.""Could you say of anyone's?""How could I speak for another?" He felt warm; overwarm.
The inquisitor said, "Has anyone told you of such destruction; set a date?"And, as the young man hesitated, he went on, "You have been followed,doctor. We were at the airport when you arrived; on the observation towerwhen you waited for your appointment; and, of course, we were able tooverhear your conversation with Dr. Seldon."Gaal said, "Then you know his views on the matter.""Perhaps. But we would like to hear them from you.""He is of the opinion that Trantor would be destroyed within threecenturies.""He proved it, ?uh ?mathematically?""Yes, he did," ?defiantly.
"You maintain the ? uh ? mathematics to be valid, I suppose.
"If Dr. Seldon vouches for it, it is valid.""Then we will return.""Wait. I have a right to a lawyer. I demand my rights as an Imperialcitizen.""You shall have them."And he did.
It was a tall man that eventually entered, a man whose face seemed allvertical lines and so thin that one could wonder whether there was room fora smile.
Gaal looked up. He felt disheveled and wilted. So much had happened, yet hehad been on Trantor not more than thirty hours.
The man said, "I am Lors Avakim. Dr. Seldon has directed me to representyou.""Is that so? Well, then, look here. I demand an instant appeal to theEmperor. I'm being held without cause. I'm innocent of anything. Ofanything." He slashed his hands outward, palms down, "You've got to arrangea hearing with the Emperor, instantly."Avakim was carefully emptying the contents of a flat folder onto the floor.
If Gaal had had the stomach for it, he might have recognized Cellomet legalforms, metal thin and tapelike, adapted for insertion within the smallnessof a personal capsule. He might also have recognized a pocket recorder.<............