JUBAL HAD CONSIDERED HAVING Mike remain seated while Douglascame in, but had rejected the idea; he was not trying to place Mike a notchhigher than Douglas but merely to establish that the meeting was betweenequals. So, when he stood up, he signaled Mike to do so likewise. The greatdouble doors at the back of the conference hall had opened at the first strainsof .Hail to Sovereign Peace“ and Douglas came in. He went straight to hischair and started to sit down.
Instantly Jubal signaled Mike to sit down, the result being that Mike and theSecretary General sat down simultaneously-with a long, respectful pause ofsome seconds before anyone else resumed his seat. Jubal held his breath.
Had LaRue done it? Or not? He hadn’t quite promised- Then the firstfortissimo tocsin of the .Mars“ movement filled the room-the .War God“theme that startles even an audience expecting it. With his eyes on Douglasand with Douglas looking back at him, Jubal was at once up out of his chairagain, like a scared recruit snapping to attention. Douglas stood up, too, notas quickly but promptly.
But Mike did not get up; Jubal had not signalled him to do so. He sat quietly,impassively, quite unembarrassed by the fact that everyone else without anyexception got quickly back on his feet when the Secretary General stood up.
Mike did not understand any of it and was quite content to do what his waterbrother told him to do. Jubal had puzzled over this bit, after he haddemanded the .Martian Anthem.“ If the demand was met, what should Mikedo while it was played? It was a nice point, and the answer depended on justwhat role Mike was playing in this comedy- The music stopped. On Jubal’ssignals Mike then stood up, bowed quickly, and sat down, seating himselfabout as the Secretary General and the rest were seated. They were all backin their seats much more quickly this time, as no one could have missed theglaring point that Mike had remained seated through the .anthem.“ Jubalsighed with relief. He had gotten away with it. A great many years earlier hehad seen one of that vanishing tribe of royalty (a reigning queen) receive aparade-and he had noticed that the royal lady had bowed after her anthemwas played, i.e., she had acknowledged a salute offered to her ownsovereign self.
But the political head of a democracy stands and uncovers for his nation’santhem like any other citizen-for he is not a sovereign.
But, as Jubal had pointed out to LaRue, one couldn’t have it two ways. EitherMike was merely a private citizen (in which case this silly gymkhana shouldnever have been held; Douglas should have had the guts to tell all theseoverdressed parasites to stay home!)-or, by the preposterous legal theoryinherent in the Larkin Decision, the kid was a sovereign all by his littlelonesome.
Jubal felt tempted to offer LaRue a pinch of snuff. Well, the point had notbeen missed by at least one-the Papal Nuncio was keeping his face straightbut his eyes were twinkling.
Douglas started to speak: .Mr. Smith, we are honored and happy to have youhere as our guest today. We hope that you will consider the planet Earth yourhome quite as much as the planet of your birth, our neighbor-our goodneighbor-Mars-. He went on at some length, in careful, rounded, pleasantperiods, which did not quite say anything. Mike was welcome-but whether hewas welcome as a sovereign, as a tourist from abroad, or as a citizenreturning home, was quite impossible to determine (Jubal decided) fromDouglas’ words.
Jubal watched Douglas, hoping to catch his eye, looking for some nod orexpression that would show how Douglas had taken the letter Jubal had sentto him by hand immediately on arrival. But Douglas never looked at him.
Presently Douglas concluded, still having said nothing and said it very well.
Jubal said quietly, .Now, Mike.“Smith addressed the Secretary General-in Martian.
But he cut it off before consternation could build up and said gravely: .Mr.
Secretary General of the Federation of Free Nations of the Planet Earth-.
then went on again in Martian.
Then in English: .-we thank you for our welcome here today. We bringgreetings to the peoples of Earth from the Ancient Ones of Mars-. and shiftedagain into Martian.
Jubal felt that .Ancient Ones“ was a good touch; it carried more bulge than.Old Ones“ and Mike had not objected to the change in terminology. In fact,while Mike had insisted on .speaking rightly,“ Jubal’s draft had not requiredmuch editing. It had been Jill’s idea to alternate, sentence by sentence, aMartian version and an English version-and Jubal admitted with warmpleasure that her gimmick puffed up a formal little speech as devoid of realcontent as a campaign promise into something as rollingly impressive asWagnerian opera. (And about as hard to figure out, Jubal added.)It didn’t matter to Mike. He could insert the Martian translation as easily as hecould memorize and recite the edited English version, i.e., without effort foreither. If it would please his water brothers to say these sayings, it madeMike happy.
Someone touched Jubal on the shoulder, shoved an envelope in his hand,and whispered, .From the Secretary General.“ Jubal looked up, saw that itwas Bradley, hurrying silently away. Jubal opened the envelope in his lap,glanced at the single sheet inside.
The note was one word: .Yes,“ and had been signed with initials .J.E.D.“-allin the famous green ink.
Jubal looked up, found that Douglas’ eyes were now on him; Jubal noddedever so slightly and Douglas looked away. The conference was now over; allthat remained was to let the world know it.
Mike concluded the sonorous nullities he had been given; Jubal heard hisown words: .-growing closer, with mutual benefit to both worlds-. and .-eachrace according to its own nature-. but did not listen. Douglas then thankedthe Man from Mars, briefly but warmly. There was a pause.
Jubal stood up. .Mr. Secretary General-.
.Yes, Dr. Harshaw?“.As you know, Mr. Smith is here today in a dual role. Like some visiting princein the past history of our own great race, traveling by caravan and sailingacross uncharted vastnesses to a distant realm, he brings to Earth the goodwishes of the Ancient Powers of Mars. But he is also a human being, acitizen of the Federation and of the United States of America. As such, hehas rights and properties and obligations.“ Jubal shook his head. .Peskyones, I’m sorry to say. As attorney for him in his capacity as a citizen and ahuman being, I have been puzzling over his business affairs and I have noteven managed a complete list of what he owns-much less decide what to telltax collectors-.
Jubal stopped to wheeze. .I’m an old man, I might not live to complete thetask. Now you know that my client has had no business experience in thehuman sense-Martians do these things differently. But he is a young man ofgreat intelligence-the whole world knows that his parents were geniuses-andblood will tell. There’s no doubt that in a few years, he could, if he wished, dovery nicely on his own without the aid of one old, broken-down lawyer. Buthis affairs need attention today; business won’t wait.
.But, in fact, he is more eager to learn the history and the arts and the waysof the people of this, his second home, than he is to bury himself indebentures and stock issues and royalties-and I think in this he is wise.
Although without business experience, Mr. Smith possesses a direct andsimple wisdom that continues to astonish me . . . and to astonish all whomeet him. When I explained to him the trouble I was having, he simply lookedat me with a clear, calm gaze and said, .Why, that’s no problem, Jubal-we’llask Mr. Douglas.’“ Jubal paused and said anxiously, .The rest of this is justpersonal business, Mr. Secretary. Should I see you about it privately? And letthe rest of these ladies and gentlemen go home?“.Go right ahead, Dr. Harshaw.“ Douglas added, .Protocol is dispensed withas of now. Anyone who wishes to leave please feel free to do so.“No one left. .All right,“ Jubal went on. .I can wrap it up in one sentence. Mr.
Smith wants to appoint you his attorney-in-fact, with full pow............