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chapter 11
Kati wrinkled her pert little ski-jump nose and nudged Isabel with her elbow. “I bet Serena is too busy, you know, dealing with everything. All her problems. She probably doesn't have time to help us, anyway,” she said, smirking. Blair shrugged. Across the cafeteria, Serena herself was just joining the lunch line. She noticed Blair right away and smiled, waving cheerfully as if to say, “I'll be there in a minute!” Blair blinked, pretending she'd forgotten to put in her contacts. Serena slid her tray along the metal counter, choosing a lemon yogurt and skipping all the hot lunch selections until she came to the hot-water dispenser, where she filled up a cup with hot water and placed a Lipton tea bag, a slice of lemon, and a packet of sugar on the saucer. Then she carried her tray over to the salad bar, where she filled up a plate with a pile of romaine lettuce and poured a small puddle of bleu cheese dressing beside it. She would have preferred a toasted ham-and-cheese sandwich in the Gare du Nord in Paris, eaten in a hurry before leaping onto her London train, but this was almost as good. It was the same lunch she'd eaten at Constance every day since sixth grade. Blair always got the same thing too. They called it the “diet plate.” Blair watched as Serena got her salad, dreading the moment when Serena would sit down next to her in all her glory and start trying to be friends again. Ugh. “Hey guys,” Serena said, sitting down next to Blair, smiling radiantly. “Just like old times, huh?” She laughed and peeled back the top of her yogurt. The cuffs of her brother's old shirt were frayed, and stray threads dangled in the yogurt's watery whey. “Hello, Serena,” Kati and Isabel said in unison. Blair looked up at Serena and turned the corners of her glossy lips upwards. It was almost a smile.Serena stirred the yogurt up and nodded at Blair's tray, where the remains of her bagel with cream cheese and cucumber were strewn. “I guess you outgrew the diet plate,” she observed. “I guess,” Blair said. She smashed a lump of cream cheese into her paper napkin with her thumb, staring at Serena's sloppy cuffs in bewilderment. It was fine to wear your brother's old clothes in ninth and tenth grade. Then, it was cool. But now? It just seemed . . . dirty. “So my schedule totally sucks,” Serena said, licking her spoon. “I don't have a single class with you guys.” “Um, that's because you're not taking any APs,” Kati observed. “You're lucky,” Isabel sighed. “I have so much work to do I don't even have time to sleep.” “Well, at least I'll have more time to party,” Serena said. She nudged Blair's elbow. “What's going on this month, anyway? I feel so completely out of it.” Blair sat up straight and picked up her plastic cup, only to find there was no water left in it to drink. She knew she should tell Serena all about the Kiss on the Lips party and how Serena could help with the preparations and how fun it was all going to be. But somehow she couldn't bring herself to do it. Serena was out of it, all right. And Blair wanted her to stay that way. “It's been pretty lame. There really isn't much going on until Christmas,” Blair lied, shooting a warning glance at Kati and Isabel. “Really?” Serena said, disappointed. “Well what about tonight? You guys want to go out?” Blair glanced at her friends. She was all for going out, but it was only Tuesday. The most she ever did on a Tuesday night was rent a movie with Nate. Suddenly Blair felt seriously old and boring. Leave it to Serena to make her feel boring. “I have an AP French test tomorrow. Sorry, Serena,” Blair said. She stood up. “Actually, I have a meeting with Madame Rogers right now.” Serena frowned and began to chew on her thumbnail, a new habit she'd picked up at boarding school. “Well, maybe I'll give Nate a call. He'll go out with me,” she said. Blair picked up her tray and resisted hurling it in Serena's face. Keep your hands off him! she wanted to scream, jumping onto the table ninja-style. Hiyeeh-yah! “I'll see you later, guys,” she said, and walked stiffly away. Serena sighed and flicked a piece of lettuce off her plate. Blair was being boring. When were they going to start having fun? She looked up at Kati and Isabel hopefully, but they were getting ready to leave, too. “I've got a stupid college advisor meeting,” Kati said. “And I have to go up to the art room and put my painting away,” Isabel said. “Before anyone sees it?” Kati joked. “Oh, shut up,” Isabel said. They stood up with their trays. “It's so good to have you back, Serena,” Kati said in her fakest voice. “Yeah,” Isabel agreed. “It really is.” And then they walked away. Serena twirled her spoon around and around in her yogurt container, wondering what had happened to everyone. They were all acting like freaks. What did I do? she asked herself, chewing on her thumbnail again. Good question. Disclaimer: All the real names of places, people, and events have been altered or abbreviated to protect the innocent. Namely, me. hey people! WHERE THE BOYS ARE Thanks for checking in, although most of you had little to say about S or B. Most of you just want to know more about the boys. Your E-mail: Dear gg, D sounds sweet. Whats he so hot for S for? Shes just a ho. –Bebe Dear Bebe, I happen to know that D is not that innocent. He was up to some kinky shit back at summer camp in eighth grade. –GG dear GG, what does N do at lunchtime?? i go to school near him, and i wonder if i see him all the time without realizing it. Yikes! –ShyGirl Okay, if you want to know so badly, then I'll tell you. St. Jude's lets its senior boys out for lunch. So right now N is probably headed up to that little pizza joint o............
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