If Art is long, Law is longer. The words Corven v. Corven and Croom rewarded no eye scanning the Cause List in The Times newspaper. Undefended suits in vast numbers occupied the attention of Mr. Justice Covell. At Dornford’s invitation Dinny and Clare came to the entrance of his court, and stood for five minutes just inside, as members of a cricket team will go and inspect a pitch before playing in a match. The judge sat so low that little but his face could be seen; but Dinny noticed that above Clare’s head in the witness-box would be a sort of canopy, or protection from rain.
“If,” said Dornford, as they came out, “you stand well back, Clare, your face will be hardly visible. But your voice you should pitch so that it always carries to the judge. He gets grumpy if he can’t hear.”
It was on the day after this that Dinny received a note delivered by hand at South Square.
“Burton’s Club: 13.iv.32.
“I should be very glad if I could see you for a few minutes. Name your own time and place and I will be there. Needless to say it concerns Clare.
“Sincerely yours,
Michael was out, but she consulted Fleur.
“I should certainly see him, Dinny. It may be a death-bed repentance. Let him come here when you know Clare will be out.”
“I don’t think I’ll risk his seeing her. I’d rather meet him somewhere in the open.”
“Well, there’s the Achilles, or the Rima.”
“The Rima,” said Dinny. “We can walk away from it.”
She appointed the following afternoon at three o’clock, and continued to wonder what he wanted.
The day was an oasis of warmth in that bleak April. Arriving at the Rima, she saw him at once, leaning against the railing with his back to that work of art. He was smoking a cigarette through a short well-coloured holder in meerschaum, and looked so exactly as when she had seen him last that, for no reason, she received a sort of shock.
He did not offer to take her hand.
“Very good of you to come, Dinny. Shall we stroll and talk as we go?”
They walked towards the Serpentine.
“About this case,” said Corven, suddenly, “I don’t want to bring it a bit, you know.”
She stole a look at him.
“Why DO you, then? The charges are not true.”
“I’m advised that they are.”
“The premises may be; the conclusions, no.”
“If I withdraw the thing, will Clare come back to me, on her own terms?”
“I can ask her, but I don’t think so. I shouldn’t myself.”
“What an implacable family!”
Dinny did not answer.
“Is she in love with this young Croom?”
“I can’t discuss their feelings, if they have any.”
“Can’t we speak frankly, Dinny? There’s no one to hear us except those ducks.”
“Claiming damages has not improved our feelings towards you.”
“Oh! that! I’m willing to withdraw everything, and risk her having kicked over, if she’ll come back.”
“In other words,” said Dinny, gazing straight before her, “the case you have framed — I believe that is the word — is a sort of blackmailing device.”
He looked at her through narrowed eyes.
“Ingenious notion. It didn’t occur to me. No, the fact is, knowing Clare better than my solicitors and the enquiry agents, I’m not too convinced that the evidence means what it seems to.”
“Thank you.”
“Yes, but I told you before, or Clare anyway, that I can’t and won’t go on with nothing settled, one way or the other. If she’ll come back I’ll wipe the whole thing out. If she won’t, it must take its chance. That’s not wholly unreasonable, and it’s not blackmail.”
“And suppose she wins, will you be any further on?”
“You could free yourself and her at any time, if you liked.”
“At a price I don’t choose to pay. Besides, that sounds extremely like collusion — another awkward word, Dinny.”
Dinny stood still.
“Well, I know what you want, and I’ll ask Clare. And now I’ll say good-bye. I don’t see that talking further will do any good.”
He stood looking at her, and she was moved by the expression on his face. Pain and puzzlement were peering through its hardwood browned mask.
“I’m sorry things are as they are,” she said, impulsively.
“One’s nature is a hell of a thing, Dinny, and one’s never free from it. Well, good-bye and good luck!”
She put out her hand. He gave it a squeeze, turned and walked off.
Dinny stood for some unhappy moments beside a little birch tree whose budding leaves seemed to tremble up towards the sunshine. Queer! To be sorry for him, for Clare, for young Croom, and be able to do nothing to help!
She walked back to South Square as fast as she could.
Fleur met her with: “Well?”
“I’m afraid I can only talk to Clare about it.”
“I suppose it’s an offer to drop it if Clare will go back. If she’s wise she will.”
Dinny closed her lips resolutely.
She waited till bed-time, and then went to Clare’s room. Her sister had just got into bed, on the foot of which Dinny sat down, and began at once:
“Jerry asked me to see him. We met in Hyde Park. He says he’ll drop the case if you’ll go back — on your own terms.”
Clare raised her knees and clasped them with her hands.
“Oh! And what did you say?”
“That I’d ask you.”
“Did you gather why?”
“Partly, I think he really wants you; partly, he doesn’t much believe in the evidence.”
“Ah!” said Clare, drily: “Nor do I. But I’m not going back.”
“I told him I didn’t think you would. He said we were ‘implacable.’”
Clare uttered a little laugh.
“No, Dinny. I’ve been through all the horrors of this case. I feel quite stony, don’t care whether we lose or win. In fact, I believe I’d rather we lost.”
Dinny grasped one of her sister’s feet through the bedclothes. She was in two minds whether to speak of the feeling Corven’s face had roused in her.
Clare said uncannily:
“I’m always amused when people think they know how husbands and wives ought to behave towards each other. Fleur was telling me about her father and his first wife; she seemed to think the woman made a great fuss for nothing much. All I can say is that to think you can judge anybody else’s case is just self-righteous idiocy. There’s never any evidence to judge from, and until cine-cameras are installed in bedrooms,” she added, “there never will be. You might let him know, Dinny, that there’s nothing doing.”
Dinny got up.
“I will. If only the thing were over!”
“Yes,” said Clare, tossing back her hair, “if only —! But whether we shall be any further on, when it is, I don’t know. God bless the Courts of Law.”
That bitter invocation went up daily from Dinny, too, during the next fortnight, while the undefended causes, of which her sister’s might have been one, were softly and almost silently vanishing away. Her note to Corven said simply that her sister had answered: ‘No.’ No reply came to it.
At Dornford’s request she went with Clare to see his new house on Campden Hill. To know that he had taken it with the view of having a home for her, if she would consent to share it, kept her expressionless, except to say that it was all very nice, and to recommend a bird shelter in the garden. It was roomy, secluded, airy, and the garden sloped towards the south. Distressed at being so colourless, she was glad to come away; but the dashed and baffled look on his face when she said: ‘Good-bye’ hurt her. In their bus, going home, Clare said:
“The more I see of Dornford, Dinny, the more I believe you could put up with him............