Besides the authorities for this branch of the inquiry already cited, there are a few others, which it may assist the student to set down herewith:—
1. A Collection of Ordinances and Regulations for the Government of the Royal Household (Edward III. to William and Mary). 4to, 1790.
2. The book of Nurture. By Hugh Rhodes, of the King’s Chapel. Printed in the time of Henry VIII. by John Redman. 4to.
3. A Breviate touching the Order and Government of the House of a Nobleman. 1605. Archaeologia, xiii.
4. Orders made by Henry, Prince of Wales, respecting his Household. 1610. Archaeologia, xiv.
5. The School of Good Manners. By William Phiston or Fiston. 8vo, 1609.
6. The School of Virtue, the Second Part. By Richard West. 12mo, 1619.
7. The School of Grace; or, A Book of Nurture. By John Hart. 12mo. (About 1680.)
8. England’s Newest Way in all Sorts of Cookery. By Henry Howard, Free Cook of London. 8vo, London, 1703.
9. A Collection of above three hundred Receipts in Cookery, Physick and Surgery, for the use of all Good Wives, Tender Mothers, and Careful Nurses. By several Hands. The second edition, to which is added a second part. 8vo, London, 1729. Fifth edition, 8vo, London, 1734.
10. The Compleat City and Country Cook. By Charles Carter. 8vo, London, 1732.
11. The Compleat Housewife: or, Accomplish’d Gentlewomans Companion: Being a collection of upwards of Five Hundred of the most approved Receipts in Cookery, Pastry, Confectionery, Preserving, Pickles, Cakes, Creams, Jellies, Made Wines, Cordials. With Copper Plates. . . . And also Bills of Fare for every month in the year. . . . By E. Smith. Seventh edition, with very large additions, near fifty Receipts being communicated just before the author’s death. 8vo, London, 1736. Eleventh edition. 8vo, London, 1742.
12. The Complete Family Piece: A very Choice Collection of Receipts in . . . Cookery. Seventh Edition. 8vo, London, 1737.
13. The Modern Cook. By Vincent La Chapelle, cook to the Prince of Orange. Third edition. 8vo, London, 1744.
14. A Treatise of all Sorts of Foods, both Animal and Vegetable, and also of Drinkables, written originally in French by the Learned M.L. Lemery. Translated by D. Hay, M.D. 8vo, London, 1745.
15. The Housekeeper’s Pocket-Book. By Sarah Harrison. Sixth edition, 2 vols. 12mo, London, 1755.
16. Professed Cookery. By Ann Cook. Third edition. 8vo, London (about 1760).
17. The Experienced English Housekeeper. By Elizabeth Raffald. Second edition. 8vo, London, 1771. There were an eighth, tenth, and eleventh editions, and two others, described as “New Editions,” between this date and 1806. The compiler dedicates her book to “The honourable Lady Elizabeth Warburton,” in whose service she had been. She mentions that the volume was published by subscription, and that she had obtained eight hundred names. In the preface Mrs. Raffald begins by observing: “When I reflect upon the number of books already in print upon this subject, and with what contempt they are read, I cannot but be apprehensive that this may meet the same fate with some who will censure before they either see it or try its value.” She concludes by saying that she had not meddled with physical receipts, “leaving them to the physician’s superior judgment, whose proper province they are.” The author of the “Experienced Housekeeper” tells us that she had not only filled that post in noble families during fifteen years, but had travelled with her employers, and so widened her sphere of observation.
18. The Young Ladies’ Guide in the Art of Cookery. By Elizabeth Marshall. 8vo, Newcastle, 1777.
19. English Housewifery Exhibited in above 450 Receipts. By Elizabeth Moxon. Fourth edition. 8vo, Leeds (about 1780).
20. The Practice of Modern Cookery. By George Dalrymple. 8vo, Edinburgh, 1781.
21. The Ladies’ Assistant for Regulating and Supplying the Table. By Charlotte Mason. 8vo, London, 1786.
22. The Compleat Family Companion. 8vo, London, 1787 (?).
23. The Honours of the Table; or, Rules for Behaviour during Meals, with the whole Art of Carving. . . . By the Author of “Principles of Politeness,” etc. (Trusler). Second edition. Woodcuts by Bewick. 12mo, London, 1791.
24. The French Family Cook: being a complete system of French Cookery. From the French. 8vo, London, 1793.
25. The British Housewife; or, The Cook’s, Housekeeper’s, and Gardener’s Companion. By Martha Bradley. 8vo.
26. Cookery and Pastry. By Mrs. Macivey. New edition, 12mo, Edinburgh, 1800.
27. The London Art of Cookery. By John Farley. Fourth edition. 8vo, London, 1807.
28. The School of Good Living; or, A Literary and Historical Essay on the European Kitchen, beginning with Cadmus, the Cook and King, and concluding with the union of Cookery and Chymistry. 12 mo, London, 1804.
29. Culina Famulatur Medicina. Receipts in Modern Cookery, with a Medical Commentary by Ignotus, and revised by A. Hunter, M.D., F.A.S.L. and E. Fourth edition, 12mo, York, 1806.
30. The Universal Cook. By Francis Collingwood and T. Woollams. Fourth edition. 8vo, London, 1806.
31. A Complete System of Cookery. By John Simpson, Cook. 8vo, London, 1806. Again, 8vo, London, 1816.
32. Simpson’s Cookery Improved and Modernised. By H.W. Brand. 8vo, London, 1834.
33. The Imperial and Royal Cook. By Frederick Nutt, Esquire, Author of the “Complete Confectioner.” 8vo, London, 1809.
34. The Housekeeper’s Domestic Library. By Charles Millington. 8vo, London, 1810.
35. The Housekeeper’s Instructor; or, Universal Family Book. By W.A. Henderson. Seventeenth edition. By S.C. Schrubbelie, Cook to the Albany, London. 8vo, London, 1811.
36. The Art of Preserving all kinds of animal and vegetable Substances for several years. By M. Appert. Translated from the French. Second edition. 8vo, London, 1812. With a folding Plate.
37. Domestic Economy and Cookery, for Rich and Poor. By a Lady. 8vo, London, 1827. In the preface the author apprises us that a long residence abroad had enabled her to become a mistress of the details of foreign European cookery; but she adds: “The mulakatanies and curries of India; the sweet pillaus, yahourt, and cold soups of Persia; the cubbubs, sweet yaughs and sherbets of Egypt; the cold soups and mixed meats of Russia, the cuscussous and honeyed paste of Africa, have been inserted with the view of introducing a less expensive and more wholesome and a more delicate mode of cookery.”
38. Apician Morsels; or, Tales of the Table, Kitchen, and Larder. By Dick Humelbergius Secundus. 8vo, London, 1834.
39. Cottage Economy and Cookery. 8vo, London, 1844.[Footnote: Reprinted from the Journal of the Agricultural Society, 1843, vol. iii, part I].