The present Bogdo Khan of Outer Mongolia is a Tibetan. He sprangfrom a poor family living in the neighborhood of Sakkia Kure inwestern Tibet. From earliest youth he had a stormy, quiteunaesthetic nature. He was fired with the idea of the independenceand glorification of Mongolia and the successors of Jenghiz Khan.
This gave him at once a great influence among the Lamas, Princesand Khans of Mongolia and also with the Russian Government whichalways tried to attract him to their side. He did not fear toarraign himself against the Manchu dynasty in China and always hadthe help of Russia, Tibet, the Buriats and Kirghiz, furnishing himwith money, weapons, warriors and diplomatic aid. The ChineseEmperors avoided open war with the Living God, because it mightarouse the protests of the Chinese Buddhists. At one time theysent to the Bogdo Khan a skilful doctor-poisoner. The LivingBuddha, however, at once understood the meaning of this medicalattention and, knowing the power of Asiatic poisons, decided tomake a journey through the Mongol monasteries and through Tibet.
As his substitute he left a Hubilgan who made friends with theChinese doctor and inquired from him the purposes and details ofhis arrival. Very soon the Chinese died from some unknown causeand the Living Buddha returned to his comfortable capital.
On another occasion danger threatened the Living God. It was whenLhasa decided that the Bogdo Khan was carrying out a policy tooindependent of Tibet. The Dalai Lama began negotiations withseveral Khans and Princes with the Sain Noion Khan and JassaktuKhan leading the movement and persuaded them to accelerate theimmigration of the Spirit of Buddha into another human form. Theycame to Urga where the Bogdo Khan met them with honors andrejoicings. A great feast was made for them and the conspiratorsalready felt themselves the accomplishers of the orders of theDalai Lama. However, at the end of the feast, they had differentfeelings and died with them during the night. The Living Buddhaordered their bodies sent with full honors to their families.
The Bogdo Khan knows every thought, every movement of the Princesand Khans, the slightest conspiracy against himself, and theoffender is usua............