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Chapter 20

Freed from prison, Pinocchio sets out to return to the Fairy;but on the way he meets a Serpent and later is caught in a trapFancy the happiness of Pinocchio on finding himself free!

  Without saying yes or no, he fled from the city and setout on the road that was to take him back to the house ofthe lovely Fairy.

  It had rained for many days, and the road was so muddythat, at times, Pinocchio sank down almost to his knees.

  But he kept on bravely.

  Tormented by the wish to see his father and his fairy sister with azure hair, he raced like a greyhound. As heran, he was splashed with mud even up to his cap.

  "How unhappy I have been," he said to himself. "Andyet I deserve everything, for I am certainly very stubbornand stupid! I will always have my own way. I won'tlisten to those who love me and who have more brainsthan I. But from now on, I'll be different and I'll try tobecome a most obedient boy. I have found out, beyondany doubt whatever, that disobedient boys are certainlyfar from happy, and that, in the long run, they alwayslose out. I wonder if Father is waiting for me. Will Ifind him at the Fairy's house? It is so long, poor man,since I have seen him, and I do so want his love and hiskisses. And will the Fairy ever forgive me for all I havedone? She who has been so good to me and to whom Iowe my life! Can there be a worse or more heartlessboy than I am anywhere?"As he spoke, he stopped suddenly, frozen with terror.

  What was the matter? An immense Serpent lay stretchedacross the road--a Serpent with a bright green skin,fiery eyes which glowed and burned, and a pointed tailthat smoked like a chimney.

  How frightened was poor Pinocchio! He ran backwildly for half a mile, and at last settled himself atop aheap of stones to wait for the Serpent to go on his wayand leave the road clear for him.

  He waited an hour; two hours; three hours; but theSerpent wa............

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