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HOME > Classical Novels > Michael, Brother of Jerry > CHAPTER XXIV
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 Harris Collins was fifty-two years of age.  He was slender and dapper, and in appearance and comportment was so sweet- and gentle-spirited that the impression he radiated was almost of sissyness.  He might have taught a Sunday-school, presided over a girls’ seminary, or been a president of a humane1 society.  
His complexion2 was pink and white, his hands were as soft as the hands of his daughters, and he weighed a hundred and twelve pounds.  Moreover, he was afraid of his wife, afraid of a policeman, afraid of physical violence, and lived in constant dread3 of burglars.  But the one thing he was not afraid of was wild animals of the most ferocious4 sorts, such as lions, tigers, leopards5, and jaguars6.  He knew the game, and could conquer the most refractory7 lion with a broom-handle—not outside the cage, but inside and locked in.
It was because he knew the game and had learned it from his father before him, a man even smaller than himself and more fearful of all things except animals.  This father, Noel Collins, had been a successful animal trainer in England, before emigrating to America, and in America he had continued the success and laid the foundation of the big animal training school at Cedarwild, which his son had developed and built up after him.  So well had Harris Collins built on his father’s foundation that the place was considered a model of sanitation8 and kindness.  It entertained many visitors, who invariably went away with their souls filled with ecstasy9 over the atmosphere of sweetness and light that pervaded10 the place.  Never, however, were they permitted to see the actual training.  On occasion, performances were given them by the finished products which verified all their other delightful11 and charming conclusions about the school.  But had they seen the training of raw novices12, it would have been a different story.  It might even have been a riot.  As it was, the place was a zoo, and free at that; for, in addition to the animals he owned and trained and bought and sold, a large portion of the business was devoted13 to boarding trained animals and troupes14 of animals for owners who were out of engagements, or for estates of such owners which were in process of settlement.  From mice and rats to camels and elephants, and even, on occasion, to a rhinoceros15 or a pair of hippopotamuses16, he could supply any animal on demand.
When the Circling Brothers’ big three-ring show on a hard winter went into the hands of the receivers, he boarded the menagerie and the horses and in three months turned a profit of fifteen thousand dollars.  More—he mortgaged all he possessed17 against the day of the auction18, bought in the trained horses and ponies19, the giraffe herd20 and the performing elephants, and, in six months more was quit of an of them, save the pony21 Repeater who turned air-springs, at another profit of fifteen thousand dollars.  As for Repeater, he sold the pony several months later for a sheer profit of two thousand.  While this bankruptcy22 of the Circling Brothers had been the greatest financial achievement of Harris Collin’s life, nevertheless he enjoyed no mean permanent income from his plant, and, in addition, split fees with the owners of his board animals when he sent them to the winter Hippodrome shows, and, more often than not, failed to split any fee at all when he rented the animals to moving-picture companies.
Animal men, the country over, acknowledged him to be, not only the richest in the business, but the king of trainers and the grittiest man who ever went into a cage.  And those who from the inside had seen him work were agreed that he had no soul.  Yet his wife and children, and those in his small social circle, thought otherwise.  They, never seeing him at work, were convinced that no softer-hearted, more sentimental23 man had ever been born.  His voice was low and gentle, his gestures were delicate, his views on life, the world, religion and politics, the mildest.  A kind word melted him.  A plea won him.  He gave to all local charities, and was gravely depressed24 for a week when the Titanic25 went down.  And yet—the men in the trained-animal game acknowledged him the nerviest and most nerveless of the profession.  And yet—his greatest fear in the world was that his large, stout26 wife, at table, should crown him with a plate of hot soup.  Twice, in a tantrum, she had done this during their earlier married life.  In addition to his fear that she might do it again, he loved her sincerely and devotedly28, as he loved his children, seven of them, for whom nothing was too good or too expensive.
So well did he love them, that the four boys from the beginning he forbade from seeing him work, and planned gentler careers for them.  John, the oldest, in Yale, had elected to become a man of letters, and, in the meantime, ran his own automobile29 with the corresponding standard of living such ownership connoted in the college town of New Haven30.  Harold and Frederick were down at a millionaires’ sons’ academy in Pennsylvania; and Clarence, the youngest, at a prep. school in Massachusetts, was divided in his choice of career between becoming a doctor or an aviator31.  The three girls, two of them twins, were pledged to be cultured into ladies.  Elsie was on the verge32 of graduating from Vassar.  Mary and Madeline, the twins, in the most select and most expensive of seminaries, were preparing for Vassar.  All of which required money which Harris Collins did not grudge33, but which strained the earning capacity of his animal-training school.  It compelled him to work the harder, although his wife and the four sons and three daughters did not dream that he actually worked at all.  Their idea was that by virtue
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