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When Derrick Carver was brought before the tribunal, Bonner eyed him with a smile of malignant satisfaction, and observed to Sheriff Woodrooffe, who was sitting near him,—

“At last I have got this pestilent fellow, whom the Cardinal has so long screened from justice. He shall not escape now. I will deal roundly with him.”

On this, he caused the minutes of the prisoner’s previous examinations to be read to him by an officer in the court, which being done, Bonner said, in a bitter and derisive tone.

“Such were the detestable and damnable opinions professed by thee, Derrick Carver, when thou wert last interrogated in the Lollards’ Tower; but doubtless the exhortations and persuasions of the Lord Cardinal have wrought a beneficial change, and thou art now willing to confess thine errors and abjure them.”

“My opinions have undergone no change,” replied Carver. “But if any Romanist could have converted me, it would be Cardinal Pole.”

“Ah! you admit so much,” cried Bonner. “Why should Cardinal Pole prevail with you more than others? Hath he more zeal—more devotion—more theological learning than others have?”

“I know not whether he hath more zeal and learning than your lordship, but he has more Christian charity,” replied 335Carver. “He understands the Gospel, and is guided by its precepts, which you are not.”

“Belike you deem his Eminence less rigid, less orthodox than I am?” said Bonner.

“My tenets are not his tenets,” replied Carver; “yet I hold him to be a good man, though, unhappily, blinded to the truth. Your lordship may be the more orthodox Catholic of the two, but you are the worse man.”

“I thank thee for the admission, thou foul-mouthed knave,” cried Bonner. “You all hear that he charges the Cardinal with unsoundness of opinion,” he added to the court.

“I charge thee with attempting to pervert my words,” retorted Carver. “I meant to say that Cardinal Pole is the chief living light and glory of the Church of Rome, whereas thou art its shame and reproach. In after times, when this bitter persecution of the faithful is spoken of, Reginald Pole will be remembered for mildness and toleration, while thou wilt be execrated as the ’bloody Bishop Bonner’—a name that shall cling to thee for ever!”

“I would rather have thy censure than thy commendation,” rejoined Bonner. “Had the Cardinal treated thee with due severity, thou wouldst never have lauded his virtues. But thou hast said enough to convince us thou art obstinate and impenitent. Therefore I shall not take up the time of the court by questioning thee further. Down on thy knees while sentence of excommunication is pronounced upon thee.”

“I kneel only to Heaven,” replied the prisoner, firmly.

At a sign from the bishop, two officers seized him, and, in spite of his resistance, forced him upon his knees, detaining him in this posture while the sentence was read to him by Bonner. This done, he was permitted to rise, and the officers left him.

“Thou art now accursed,” pursued Bonner, “and henceforward, if any man shall eat with thee, or drink with thee, or otherwise help thee or comfort thee, he will be a partaker in the curse.”

“You have put me out of the communion of a Church which I have quitted of my own accord for these ten years,” said Carver. “As to your anathemas, they affright me not. May they recoil with added strength on your own head.”

336“Away, thou miserable blasphemer!” cried Bonner, furiously. “I have done with thee for ever.”

“No, not for ever, thou unrighteous judge,” rejoined Carver. “I summon thee to appear with me before the Judgment Throne of Heaven to answer for the blood thou art about to shed.”

So awful was the tone in which these words were uttered, that a profound impression was upon all the hearers, and even Bonner trembled. But he quickly shook off his trepidation, and exclaimed,—

“The gates of Heaven will be fast closed to you, unless you repent. You will now be delivered to the sheriffs, and by them will be taken to Newgate............
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