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My Countrywomen:

Will you aid me in an attempt to benefit a most useful, a most important, and yet a much neglected portion of our fellow citizens? I can accomplish little without your aid; with it, I trust much may be done.

Have you ever heard any instructions from the pulpit addressed to the class for whom I now write? Have you ever read a printed sermon, or a tract suited and designed to instruct Americans of this class, on the topics presented in this book? Have you not felt how important it is that this class, who have so much influence on domestic enjoyment, and on the character of children, should be properly instructed in the duties of their station, and yet how difficult it is to address them acceptably, or to find books that answer for this purpose?

These things have been urged on my attention by benevolent ladies, who have felt these difficulties, and who complain that, while those they hire can find books enough which treat on the duties of their [6]employers, they seldom find instructions in regard to the peculiar duties of their own station. I have made an attempt to remedy this deficiency, so far as my ability extends. But a great difficulty meets me. The persons for whom I write, have few opportunities to know what issues from the press, and seldom buy books. It is others, who, from a spirit of philanthropy and benevolence, must procure such advantages for them, or they will seldom be secured. I would therefore appeal to all benevolent and Christian ladies, whose eye may rest on this page, and ask if each will not secure the reading of this book to at least one of those for whom it is written. If housekeepers will supply those they hire, if travellers and visitors will use this, to present as a token of good will to those who serve them, where they temporarily sojourn, if on New-Years and Christmas, this may be remembered as a suitable present to those who do so much to aid on festive occasions, then, if this book is fit for the end designed, there will be many who will be joined, in the best of all fellowship, with their friend and countrywoman,

The Author.

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